Justice Minister: Hungary Ready for Rule of Law Dialogue with EU Hungary is open to a dialogue with the European Union, Justice Minister Judit Varga said before a General Affairs Council... 2022.04.12.
FM Szijjártó Confirms Hungary Will Continue Paying for Russian Gas in Euros "It is not impossible to pay for Russian gas in rubles," Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó announced on Monday afternoon, after... 2022.04.12.
Márki-Zay Begins Building a New Center-Right Party Péter Márki-Zay, the six party opposition alliance’s former PM candidate, announced that he would build a center-right people's party, which... 2022.04.12.
FM Szijjártó: Perpetrators of the “Inhuman Acts” in Bucha Must Be Punished The perpetrators of the "inhumane acts" in Bucha must be punished, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after meeting with his... 2022.04.12.
RMDSZ Leader: Transylvanian Hungarians Support Fidesz’s Policies for Ethnic Hungarians Abroad Hungarians living beyond the borders, including in Transylvania, support the government's policies for their communities, evidenced by their votes at... 2022.04.12.
EU Representative: Hungary “Pays Its Share, so It Participates in Ukraine’s Weapons Supply” According to Josep Borell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, since Hungary "pays its own... 2022.04.12.
Public Figures Call for Pardon of Radical Activist György Budaházy Accused of Terrorism An increasing number of public figures are urging president János Áder to grant clemency for György Budaházy and his accomplices,... 2022.04.12.
Mi Hazánk: Parliamentary Positions Should Be Distributed ‘by Bloc’ The positions in Hungary's next parliament should be distributed "by political blocs" rather than in line with the number of... 2022.04.12.
Hungary Donates Seeds to Ukraine Hungary is donating maize, sunflower and potato seeds to farmers in Ukraine, where the war has caused shortages ahead of... 2022.04.12.
Diaspora Conference: Nation’s Unification Possible without Changing Country Borders “The borders of the Hungarian State do not coincide with the borders of the Hungarian Nation” – said Árpád János... 2022.04.11.
Orbán Gov’t Rejects Slovak House Speaker’s Comments about Orbán Wanting to “Parcel” Slovakia Both the Hungarian government and the Party of the Hungarian Coalition firmly rejected comments made by speaker of Slovakia's national... 2022.04.11.
Dispute between EU and Hungary over Payment to Russia in Rubles A serious dispute has emerged between the European Union and the Hungarian government after Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that... 2022.04.11.
President Áder Calls on Gov’t to Resolve Lake Velence Water Supply Issue Hungary's new government must ensure a proper water supply to Lake Velence, in western Hungary, "as one of its first... 2022.04.11.
Mi Hazánk Demands Recount of Votes Far-right opposition party Mi Hazánk on Saturday demanded a recount of votes cast in the April 3 general election, citing... 2022.04.11.
All Votes Counted, Fidesz Wins Two-Thirds Majority With all votes cast in the April 3 general election counted, the non-final result has been declared in all the... 2022.04.11.
Former Czech PM Klaus Calls Hungarian PM ‘Only Credible Politician in Europe’ Václav Klaus, former president and prime minister of the Czech Republic, has called Viktor Orbán, Hungary's re-elected prime minister, "the... 2022.04.10.
DK President Gyurcsány: ‘We Must Fight Until We Have Chance to Turn Wheel of History’ Ferenc Gyurcsány, the leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), called for continuing the fight until "there is a chance... 2022.04.09.
FM Szijjártó: Hungary’s Energy Supplies Secure "I would like to reassure all that Hungary's energy supplies are and will remain secure," Péter Szijjárto, Hungary's Foreign Minister,... 2022.04.09.
Election Committee Fines Groups for Encouraging Voters to Make Referendum Invalid The National Election Committee (NVB) on Friday imposed fines on civil organizations that had encouraged people to give invalid answers... 2022.04.09.
Govt Spox to CNN: Govt Not to Send Troops, Weapons to Ukraine Under New Mandate Hungary will not send weapons or troops to Ukraine "under a mandate the Hungarian people has given to the government",... 2022.04.09.
PM Orbán Condemns Bucha Massacre, Supports Intl Investigation Prime Minister Viktor Orbán evidently condemns the massacre committed in Bucha, Ukraine, his press chief said on Saturday. Hungary will... 2022.04.09.