Press Roundup: Trouble in Store for Hungarian Relations with Post-Merkel Germany? Right-wing analysts fear that the new left-liberal German government will harshly criticize Hungary and try to encroach on national sovereignty.... 2021.12.13.
Gov’t: Top Court Strengthened Hungarian Migration Policy Friday's ruling of Hungary's Constitutional Court has bolstered the government's migration policy and allows its full implementation, the Prime Minister's... 2021.12.11.
Top Court: Hungary Has Right to Supplement Incomplete EU Laws Hungary has the right to supplement incomplete European Union laws until which time the EU fully fills out its laws... 2021.12.10.
FM Szijjártó: EU Working to Prepare ‘European Version of UN Migration Pact’ The European Union's Post-Cotonou agreement with Caribbean and Pacific states is "a new madness", the "EU version of the UN... 2021.12.10.
PM Orbán: Strong Anti-Immigration, Family-friendly European Party Alliance Needed A large and strong anti-immigration, pro-family European party alliance needs to be formed, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public radio... 2021.12.10.
Orbán-Levits Meeting: Hungary Supports Latvia’s Efforts to Combat Illegal Migration Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met Egils Levits, the president of Latvia, for talks in Budapest on Wednesday, the prime minister's... 2021.12.08.
President Áder Calls for Changes to EU Migration Laws President János Áder, after talks with Latvian counterpart Egils Levits on Wednesday, called for a review of European Union migration... 2021.12.08.
FM Szijjártó: Morocco Crucial Bulwark Against Migration Reducing the migration pressure on Europe requires the cooperation and stability of North African countries, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said... 2021.12.07.
PM Orbán: ‘We understood Merkel, she understood us’, but era of ambiguity over According to the prime minister, "the era of ambiguity, stealth politics and drifting has ended with Merkel." In one of... 2021.12.06.
PM Orbán Aims to Change Politics of Brussels Brussels is supporting migration and does not protect families and children which should be the other way round, Prime Minister... 2021.12.04.
FM Szijjártó: NATO ‘Serious Miscalculation’ in Afghanistan NATO has "seriously miscalculated" the situation in Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Riga on Wednesday. He said the... 2021.12.01.
FM Szijjártó: NATO Must Focus on Challenges from South to Protect Europe NATO must effectively handle challenges from the South and counter terrorism and migration if it is to guarantee European security,... 2021.12.01.
Foreign Minister Calls for EU Help to Defend North Africa, Middle East Borders The European Union should launch a comprehensive financial and technical programme to support the North African and Mideastern countries in... 2021.11.29.
PM Orbán: Government to Prolong National Vaccination Campaign The government is prolonging the national vaccination campaign by a week, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on pro-government public radio... 2021.11.26.
Fidesz MEP Blasts ‘Immoral’ EU Proposal for New Legal Migration Pathways Balázs Hidvéghi, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, on Wednesday criticised what he called "an immoral new push by pro-migration forces... 2021.11.25.
Press Roundup: V4 Summit in Budapest Prime Minister Orbán calls on the European Union to drop infringement procedures against Hungary and Poland, and help them protect... 2021.11.25.
Visegrad Group Expresses Solidarity with Poland in Migration Crisis The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia pledged solidarity with Poland in the migration crisis on its border with Belarus, at... 2021.11.23.
PM Orbán: EU Prepared to Fund ‘Practically Anything That Increases Migration Pressure’ The European Union is facing unprecedented levels of migration pressure, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a meeting with his... 2021.11.23.
State secretary Orbán: EU Migration Framework Should Be Replaced Balázs Orbán argues that the European Union needs stronger border control policies and a clearer interpretation of the conception of... 2021.11.23.
FM Szijjártó: Hungary Implementing Largest Intl Economy Development Scheme in Uganda Hungary is implementing its largest ever international economy development in Uganda in an effort to halt migration, Foreign Minister Péter... 2021.11.22.
JM Varga Says European Commission Wants Hungary to Let Migrants In The European Court of Justice and the European Commission's ruling on the "Stop Soros" law package aims to get Hungary... 2021.11.20.