Rate-setters Point to Persistence of Upside Risks Surrounding Inflation Outlook Hungarian central bank (NBH) policymakers have warned of the risks associated with persistent inflation and agreed that the tightening cycle... 2021.10.07.
Hungary’s Central Bank Raises Base Rate to 1.65% Hungarian rate-setters raised the central bank's base rate by 15 basis points to 1.65 percent at a scheduled meeting on... 2021.09.22.
“Corruption, Covid Deaths, Party Secretary Mentality,” – Opposition Reacts to Orbán’s Speech After Viktor Orbán's address at the opening of parliament’s autumn session on Monday, the opposition began to harshly criticize the... 2021.09.21.
Press Roundup: Inflation Approaches 5% A left-wing commentator accuses the government of incompetence in both forecasting and managing inflation. A government-friendly analyst, on the other... 2021.09.10.
Hungary Inflation Up to 4.9 % in August Annual inflation in Hungary was 4.9 percent in August, up from 4.6 percent in the previous month, the Central Statistical... 2021.09.08.
CEE Region Economies Recovering Faster than Mediterranean, PM’s economic advisor says Hungary's economy has already recovered from effects of the pandemic, similarly to the economies of Poland, Romania, Lithuania, and Latvia,... 2021.09.08.
Following Central Bank’s Base Rate Hike Forint Firms to Two-Month High In an attempt to curb inflation, the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) once again decided to raise its base rate... 2021.08.25.
Hungary Central Bank Raises Base Rate to 1.50% Hungarian rate-setters raised the central bank's base rate by 30 basis points to 1.50 percent at a scheduled meeting on... 2021.08.24.
Press Roundup: GDP Growth Exceeds Expectations A pro-government commentator believes that Hungary’s 17.9 per cent growth rate vindicates the government’s economic policy. The leading online business... 2021.08.19.
Central Bank Head: Hungary Needs Competitiveness Turnaround Hungary is a laggard in competitiveness, and the country will continue to bear the high costs unless it improves on... 2021.08.17.
DK: Introduction of Euro and European Minimum Wage ‘Only Way Out of Crisis’ The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has called for the introduction of the euro and the European minimum wage as "the... 2021.08.16.
Hungary Inflation Eases to 4.6 % in July Hungarian inflation was an annual 4.6 percent in July, after 5.3 percent in June, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said... 2021.08.10.
Finance Minister: Hungary’s High Inflation Rate ‘Temporary’ Hungary's current high level of inflation is temporary and, as long as the central bank makes full use of the... 2021.08.03.
Central Bank Once Again Raises Base Rate to Deter Highest EU Inflation from Further Increase The Monetary Council of the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) decided for the second time in just over a month... 2021.07.28.
Párbeszéd: Government at Root of Weak Forint, High Inflation The Hungarian government and central bank governor György Matolcsy have failed to improve the competitiveness of Hungarian companies and have... 2021.07.25.
Finance Minister: Brussels ‘Could Not Thwart’ Hungarian Economy Brussels "could not thwart the Hungarian economy even if it wanted to", Finance Minister Mihály Varga said in an interview... 2021.07.12.
Hungary Inflation Spike Continues in June Hungary's annualized consumer price index rose to 5.3 percent in June, continuing to spike after reaching 5.1 percent in both... 2021.07.08.