National Defense Fund to be Further Expanded In times of war, the security of the country and the Hungarian people comes before everything else, Defense Minister Kristóf... 2023.06.12.
Hungarian Defense Forces Conquer the Night The Brave Warrior 2023 exercise concluded with a technical day, during which the participating sub-units presented their achievements so far,... 2023.06.05.
President Novák Visits Soldiers Injured in Kosovo On Wednesday morning, the President of the Republic visited Hungarian soldiers who were injured in Kosovo and are now recovering... 2023.06.01.
Defense Minister: “I want to build a combat-ready, serious army” "We have no more time left and no new chances to raise the defense capabilities of our country to the... 2023.05.23.
Defense Forces Celebrate 175th Anniversary The Hungarian Defense Forces are facing a historic opportunity to renew themselves and become a powerful and determined military force,... 2023.05.22.
New Chief of Staff Outlines Vision for the Hungarian Defense Forces The new Chief of the Hungarian Defense Staff has said that it is his duty to raise the level of... 2023.05.10.
Defense Forces Getting Helicopters Equipped with Unique Weapons The Hungarian Air Force's Airbus H225 helicopters will arrive this summer, Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky announced in a Facebook video... 2023.04.11.
Celebration of Defense Force Paratroopers In keeping with tradition, the Hungarian Defense Forces Joint Special Operations Command and the 1st Special Operations Brigade of the... 2023.04.04.
Military Development Program Aims to Restore Combat Effectiveness In the 21st century, the answers to the old questions are not the same, the Chief of the Defense Staff... 2023.03.23.
Soldiers Perfect Shooting Technique during Firearms Exercise New foundations are being laid for practical weapons handling skills at the 30th Armored Kinizsi Pál Infantry Brigade of the... 2023.03.02.
Procurement of Cutting-Edge Combat Equipment to Continue This Year The Hungarian government has pledged to raise defense spending to a share of two percent of GDP by 2024 and... 2023.02.14.
Defense Forces Launch National Recruitment Campaign The Hungarian Defense Forces are launching a nationwide recruitment campaign to familiarize young Hungarians with the types of service and... 2023.02.13.
High-tech Tools for Developing the Hungarian Defense Forces It is important that the combat readiness of the Hungarian armed forces is at all times at its best, the... 2023.01.30.
Hungarian Officer Candidates Successfully Complete Training in Canada Hungary has been a member of the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program since 2002. During this time, many... 2023.01.12.
Hungary Plays Key Role in Kosovo Peacekeeping Due to the increasingly tense situation in Kosovo, NATO's KFOR peacekeeping mission is also on alert, including a large number... 2023.01.03.
Hungary’s Military Spending to Reach 2 Percent of GDP Next Year Next year's budget will provide the resources to continue the modernization of the Hungarian Defense Forces, and Hungary's military expenditure... 2022.12.29.
Defense Reform in Hungary Progressing Well A new approach and domestic innovations are needed in defense development, while the reform of the sector is progressing well,... 2022.12.28.
Defense Minister Wants More Young People to Consider Military Careers Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said at the 5th Bocskai István Rifle Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces in Debrecen... 2022.12.21.
New Ammunition Plant Opens West of the Capital Hungary is building a brave, innovative and high-tech army, the Minister of Defense said on Thursday at the groundbreaking ceremony... 2022.12.16.
Defense Forces Receive New Czech Parachutes The Hungarian Defense Forces received their new round parachutes, and they have shared a video of Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi... 2022.12.05.
Hungarian Fighter Jets Alerted Due to a Bomb Threat A civilian passenger aircraft flying from Poland to Israel received a bomb threat, which caused the Hungarian Defense Forces' Gripen... 2022.11.14.