Márki-Zay: Fidesz Gave DK Information During Primaries to Discredit Him Péter Márki-Zay, the joint opposition's candidate for prime minister, held a press conference today in Hódmezővásárhely where he is currently... 2021.10.25.
Supreme Court Annuls One of Govt’s Referendum Questions After the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party challenged one of the questions, the Kúria, Hungary's supreme court, ruled that it could... 2021.10.25.
Number of Foreign Minister’s Diplomatic Trips Extreme in International Comparison Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó made some 61 trips in the second half of 2018, which is more than what... 2021.10.25.
Court Says Two Hungarian Parties in Romania Cannot Merge Romania's two Hungarian parties wanted to merge into one but the court decided not to allow this. Their reason behind... 2021.10.25.
Gyurcsány: Opposition Coalition Now ‘More Important than DK’ The coalition of opposition parties running together in the 2022 general election "is now far more important than the Democratic... 2021.10.25.
Foreign Minister: Poland Attacked for Successful Patriotic Policies Like the Hungarian government, Poland's government is being "attacked" on the international stage because its successful patriotic policies go against... 2021.10.25.
Defence Minister: Peace, Security of Western Balkans Key for Hungary The peace and security of the Western Balkans is of key importance to Hungary and NATO, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő... 2021.10.25.
House Speaker at CoE Conference: Common Values Unite Europe’s Citizens When discussing Europe's future it is worth bearing in mind that, thanks to their common values, the bloc's citizens are... 2021.10.25.
Oct 23: Hungarians’ Fight for Freedom Enduring, says PM Commissioner Szilágyi in New York "Hungarians have always had to fight for freedom, and this is no different today," Péter Szilágyi, the prime minister's commissioner... 2021.10.24.
US Official: ‘Brave Men and Women’ Fought for Hungary’s Liberty in 1956 "On the sixty-fifth anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution, we remember the brave men and women who fought to defend... 2021.10.23.
PM Candidate Márki-Zay on Oct 23: ‘Fight the Common Enemy Together’ Péter Márki-Zay spoke to Hungarians about following the example of the revolutionaries of 1956, joining together to achieve victory through... 2021.10.23.
PM Orbán’s October 23 Speech: Hungary is Back on its Feet Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, alluding to clashes between Fidesz supporters and riot police in 2006 on the anniversary of the... 2021.10.23.
October 23: Pro-Gov’t Org CÖF Holds ‘Peace March’ to Mark 1956 and 2006 Anniversary Supporters of the pro-government Civic Union Forum (CÖF) and associated CÖKA foundation gathered to hold their Peace March to mark... 2021.10.23.
PMO Head Gulyás: 1956 Hungarian Uprising Commemorated Worldwide Each Hungarian community has its own memories of the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising and its anniversary is marked not only in... 2021.10.23.
FM Szijjártó: Hungary Betrayed in 1956, “Nobody Came to Help” Despite reports aired on Radio Free Europe in October 1956, suggesting imminent international intervention to support the Hungarian revolution, "nobody... 2021.10.23.
State Sec Soltész: Descendants of 1956 Communists ‘Live Among Us’ Though most of the communists of 1956 are now gone, their descendants and spiritual heirs "live among us", the state... 2021.10.23.
BP Mayor Karácsony: Ideals of 1956 Must be Preserved “Every Day” The ideals of 1956 and the hopes of 1989 must be preserved "every day", Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony said on... 2021.10.23.
Finance Minister Varga: Message of 1956 Still Relevant Today The remembrance of Hungary's anti-Soviet uprising of 1956 tells Hungarians that they must continue to fight the political players of... 2021.10.23.
Family Affairs Minister: History Gave Hungarians Strength in 1956 In Hungary's 1956 revolution against Soviet rule, the ones with the power to act were those who "remained free" under... 2021.10.23.
Hungary Hoists National Tricolor in Commemoration of 1956 Uprising Hungary's national flag was hoisted in front of the Parliament building on Saturday, in a state commemoration marking the anniversary... 2021.10.23.
House Speaker: Regime Change Possible Thanks to ’56 Heroes The fall of the communist regime in 1989 was in part thanks to the heroes of the 1956 uprising, Speaker... 2021.10.22.