Number of Researchers in Hungary Doubles since 2010, Eurostat Reports The number of people in Hungary carrying out R and D has doubled in just over a decade, the fastest... 2021.12.29.
Finance Ministry Targets 5.9% Economic Growth Next Year The finance ministry says it expects the economy will grow by 5.9 percent next year. The 2022 budget law targets... 2021.12.29.
Finance Minister: Economy in Ruder Health Than After Previous Crisis Hungary's economy grew by 6.4 percent this year as opposed to a contraction of 6.6 percent the year after the... 2021.12.28.
Number of Jobseekers Falls to 238,700 in December The number of registered jobseekers in Hungary fell to 238,700 in December, state secretary Tamás Schanda said. The number is... 2021.12.28.
Budapest Transport Staff Eyeing “Record” Hike Budapest public transport company BKV will use a total of 10.5 billion forints (EUR 28.4m) to raise the wages of... 2021.12.28.
Tourism Agency Head Attributes Good Year to Domestic Tourists Hungary's tourism sector performed a lot better this year than in 2020 on the back of increased domestic traffic, the... 2021.12.27.
Central Bank Head Matolcsy: Monetary Tightening to Continue in 2022 The cycle of interest rate raises started in June will continue in 2022, as long as it is necessary to... 2021.12.27.
Banking Association Does Not Support Mortgage Rate Freeze The Hungarian Banking Association on Thursday said it does not support a temporary government freeze of mortgage loan interest rates.... 2021.12.24.
Finance Ministry Announces HUF 755 bn Expenditure Cut for 2022 Budget On Wednesday, the Ministry of Finance announced that Hungary’s lower-than-planned deficit target of the 2022 budget will be guaranteed by... 2021.12.23.
Mortgage Freeze: Households May Save HUF 11,000 for 6 Months The interest rates on retail mortgages will be frozen at their October 27 levels, according to PM Viktor Orbán's Wednesday... 2021.12.23.
State Audit Office: State Debt Ratio Target “Achievable” The state debt ratio targeted for this year is achievable based on the data available by November so the debt... 2021.12.23.
House Rents Up 13% Since January At the national level, rents in the rental housing market increased by 1.1 percent in November compared to October, and... 2021.12.23.
Hotel in Mátrafüred Is “Accommodation of the Year” Hotel Avar in the resort town of Mátrafüred in northern Hungary has won the title of "Accommodation of the Year"... 2021.12.22.
Products of Double Quality: High Fines From May 2022 Onwards International companies, which sell their products in Hungary with lower quality, can expect a fine in the amount of even... 2021.12.22.
Housing Prices in Budapest More and More Expensive Since 2013, the prices per square meter of new apartments in Budapest have doubled, so that they are already higher... 2021.12.21.
Christmas: Hungarian Families Buy Average of 1 kg of Szaloncukor Annually On average, Hungarians buy a total of 3,500 tons of szaloncukor (parlor candy) annually, worth more than HUF 7 billion... 2021.12.21.
Paks Upgrade on Track, Rosatom Says The project of building two new blocks to the Paks nuclear power plant is being implemented as planned so that... 2021.12.21.
Most Grocery Stores Close Earlier Than Expected on December 24 Although the law allows stores to be open until 2 p.m. on December 24, stores in the largest grocery chains... 2021.12.20.
Central Bank: Food Price Rate of Increase May Double in 2022 In 2022, inflation will be much higher, while economic growth will be lower than previously expected, the National Bank of... 2021.12.20.
Supply Bottlenecks and Price Increases during Christmas Season As a result of the lack of supply from Asia and slower international maritime transport, one can expect supply bottlenecks... 2021.12.17.
FinMin Expects 5% GDP Growth, 4.9% Budget Deficit in 2022 The finance ministry is calculating with a GDP growth over 5 percent next year, making it possible to reduce the... 2021.12.17.