Belgian Politician Ridicules CoE for its Report on Hungary Flemish politician Bob De Brabandere has stood up for the Hungarian government in his speech planned for the Council of... 2022.10.13.
Council of Europe to Monitor Hungary Hungary’s ruling parties and its allies in Europe reject a recent report on the state of rule of law in... 2022.10.13.
Fidesz MEPs Protest Against the European Parliament’s “Smear Campaign” In a letter to the European Parliament's President, MEPs of the governing Fidesz party protested against the "unprecedented smear campaign"... 2022.10.04.
Support Comes Again from Poland in Rule of Law Debate Regarding Hungary The European Commission is using contrived arguments to justify the application of the rule of law conditionality against Hungary, while... 2022.09.21.
Justice Minister Reports on Progress in Negotiations Regarding EU Funds On Tuesday, the Hungarian Justice Minister said in Brussels that there was progress during the series of negotiations with the... 2022.09.21.
Hungary Committed to Transparent and Efficient Use of EU Funds State Secretary Csaba Latorcai spoke about measures to increase the transparency of public procurement and the use of EU funds... 2022.09.21.
Dutch Foreign Minister Gets Tough Response The State Secretary of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry told the Dutch Foreign Minister to focus on the rule of law... 2022.09.20.
Slovak MEP: The EP is Using Ideological Platitudes against Hungary Instead of Evidence Hungary Today has asked JUDr. Miroslav Radačovský, MEP and Chairman of the Slovak PATRIOT Party, for his opinion concerning the... 2022.09.20.
Justice Minister Calls European Parliament’s Claims “Nonsense” According to Justice Minister Judit Varga, the European Parliament is waging an ideological witch-hunt against Hungary and is trying to... 2022.09.19.
Morawiecki: Poland Will Oppose Depriving Hungary of EU Funds Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki reacted to a European Commission proposal on Sunday to suspend part of EU funds to Hungary... 2022.09.19.
Government Optimistic about Brussels’ Decision on EU Funds The European Commission is proposing a partial suspension of Hungary's EU funds. According to government officials, the punitive measures are... 2022.09.19.
Fidesz Slams “Baffling” Delbos-Corfield Report Hungary's ruling party issued a statement criticizing the European Parliament's Delbos-Corfield report about Hungary. According to Fidesz, Europeans have other... 2022.09.16.
Justice Minister Discusses Rule of Law in Paris, Madrid, and Lisbon Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga traveled to three EU countries to discuss Hungary's stance on the EU sanctions, the war... 2022.09.16.
MEPs Criticize “Scandalous” Rule-of-Law Report Hungarian, French, and Spanish conservative MEPs heavily criticized a report about the rule of law in Hungary that the European... 2022.09.15.
Hungarian Government receives Unexpected Support in the European Parliament Despite being neighbors and Visegrad 4 allies, it is not often that a Slovak MEP stands up in defense of... 2022.09.15.
Heated Debate on the Rule of Law in Hungary Ahead of the vote about a draft report demanding the withholding of EU funds from Hungary, members of the European... 2022.09.14.
French MEP: Hungary Is Not Violating Rule of Law The draft report of the European Parliament LIBE Committee on Home Affairs, Citizens' Rights, and Justice is a fake, as... 2022.09.08.
European Parliament Plans to Put More Pressure on Hungary The European Parliament is urging the Commission to withhold Hungary’s EU funds, but according to leading Hungarian politicians, the agreement... 2022.08.31.
Green Politician’s EP Report on Hungary is “Childish” and “Anti-academic” Rodrigo Ballester speaks during an MCC event This week the EP has published a report on whether Hungary should receive... 2022.07.08.
Justice Minister Varga Warns of ‘Anti-Hungarian’ Maneuver in the European Parliament On July 6th, German Green Party MEP Daniel Freund organized a press conference at which a study was presented calling... 2022.07.07.
Justice Minister: European Decision-makers Have Given Up on Peace An increasing number of countries are praising Hungary’s “rational” stance on the sanctions and oil embargo, states the Hungarian Justice... 2022.06.13.