“New US Ambassador Should Not Come Here as a Governor of a Province” The Mathias Corvinus Collegium’s annual festival of conservative thought was held last weekend in the picturesque border town of Esztergom,... 2022.08.01.
OPINION – Hungary Only EU Country Resisting Germany’s Energy Bailout European commentators are starting to notice not only the fact that Hungary is the only EU member-state openly resisting the... 2022.07.28.
Viktor Orbán Sets out His Vision Concerning Hungary’s Future in a Decade of Conflict Pillars of Western civilization are cracking In Viktor Orbán’s view, the next decade will be a decade of danger, uncertainty... 2022.07.23.
Foreign Minister Travels to Moscow to Talk Energy Supplies and Peace At a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, the minister underlined that the government has a duty... 2022.07.21.
OPINION – Guy Verhofstadt’s Latest Attack on Hungarian PM Based on Fake News Belgian liberal MEP Guy Verhofstadt has hit out against the Hungarian Prime Minister in his latest personal attack by claiming... 2022.07.20.
Ukrainian Government Announces Tightening of Repressive Language Legislation According to a report by the Hungarian language Ukrainian newsportal Kárpáti Igaz Szó, on July 16, a new article of... 2022.07.18.
Hungarian 2022 GDP Growth Could Be Almost Double That of EU Average Amid all the doom and gloom of the pandemic- and war-strikken EU economy, there is a glimmer of hope in... 2022.07.17.
Amid War, Energy and Financial Crisis, European Parliament’s Liberal Wing Finds Time to Bully Hungary Yet Again According to the European Parliament's (EP) Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) report, there is a risk... 2022.07.13.
Green Politician’s EP Report on Hungary is “Childish” and “Anti-academic” Rodrigo Ballester speaks during an MCC event This week the EP has published a report on whether Hungary should receive... 2022.07.08.
Israeli Ambassador Warns of the Dangers of Nuclear Proliferation Israeli Ambassador Yacov Hadas-Handelsman Israel's Ambassador to Hungary, Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, believes the world should take the dangers of Iran's nuclear... 2022.07.08.
End of an Era – Political Daily Magyar Hírlap Goes Online Only The venerable conservative daily newspaper will only be available in online version One of only two conservative daily newspapers... 2022.07.07.
Hungarian Water Polo Team Wins Silver Medal at World Aquatics Championships The Hungarian women's water polo team won silver medal at the World Aquatics Championships after a 9-7 defeat to the... 2022.07.02.
Confrontation Between Migrant Gangs Ends in Bloodbath on Serbian-Hungarian Border European leaders seem to be oblivious to the ongoing migrant crisis on Hungary's southern borders According to local reports, an... 2022.07.02.
Nominee US Ambassador Sets Stage for Open Confrontation With Hungarian Government On June 23 the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations heard nominee ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman’s testimony. Chairman of... 2022.06.25.
Fidesz – The EP is Using the Debate on the Global Minimum Tax to Undermine Member States’ Sovereignty Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri "We encourage Hungary to reconsider its position on the global minimum tax", the European Union will... 2022.06.24.
Slovak Politician György Gyimesi Talks About the Clash between Progressive and Conservative Values Member of the Hungarian minority, Slovak MP György Gyimesi of the governing OĽaNO party, has spoken about his views on... 2022.06.22.
Building Crèches to Help Working Parents – a Step Towards a Family Friendly Economy The birth of children in Hungarian families is a priority, and the government would like to provide all the help... 2022.06.20.
How Fake News Travels – Slovak Newsportal Fails to Fact-Check Hungarian Opposition Media Claims Minister Gergely Gulyás speaks during his regular government press conference. One of the largest Slovak newsportals, Aktuality.sk, has published an... 2022.06.18.
Exclusive Interview with Hans-Peter Kemser, Director of BMW Group Plant Debrecen - At the beginning of June the foundations were laid for the new BMW plant near Debrecen. Could you tell... 2022.06.17.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Report Reflects Radical NGO Influence Europe is at war, the continent is facing an unprecedented, all-encompassing energy crisis, but Brussels continues to wage ideological warfare... 2022.06.16.