Hollywood Actor Liam Neeson Expresses Thanks to mRNA Pioneer Katalin Karikó In a new video by UNICEF, the famous actor thanks scientists, health workers, and activists - including Hungarian biochemist Katalin... 2022.04.27.
Press Roundup: Opposing Takes on French and Slovene Elections A left-wing commentator believes that the Hungarian government will become even more isolated on the European stage after the defeat... 2022.04.27.
OTP Bank CEO: Gov’t Utility Price Cuts ‘Do No Good’ The Hungarian government’s utility price cuts are unsuitable, as people and businesses need to feel the burden of high energy... 2022.04.27.
Rare and Spectacular Celestial Event to Be Seen It will be a spectacular celestial event as the four brightest planets - Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn - and... 2022.04.26.
Rule of Law Mechanism Against Hungary Starts on Wednesday The European Commission will send a letter to the Hungarian government informing them of the start of the procedure to... 2022.04.26.
Hungary Pays Six Times More for Russian Gas Than Country’s Residential Consumers Hungary purchased Russian gas at around six times what resindential consumers paid Hungarian state energy company MVM in February, according... 2022.04.26.
Debate and Controversy over Distribution of Positions and Inaugural Session of Next Parliament Debate erupted at the preparatory meeting as parties of the opposition alliance want to be regarded as separate groups, which... 2022.04.26.
Hide the Pain Harold to Break into NFT Business András Arató, the face of the world-famous meme 'Hide the Pain Harold,' is looking for artists for his upcoming NFT... 2022.04.26.
Teachers’ Union’s Open Letter to PM Orbán: “We need an independent Education Ministry” The Democratic Trade Union of Teachers (PDSZ) has written an open letter to "Hungary's next Prime Minister," Viktor Orbán, in... 2022.04.26.
Coronavirus: 32 Deaths, 1,399 New Infections Reported in Hungary Altogether 32 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 1,399 new coronavirus infections were registered,... 2022.04.26.
Ministry Appeals Court Decision Establishing Need to Disclose Data on Ventilator Sales after Overbuying The Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) appealed a court's decision that the body has to disclose data on ventilator sales,... 2022.04.26.
János Stummer to Run for Jobbik Presidency János Stummer, Member of Parliament, announced on his Facebook page that he will run for the position of President of... 2022.04.26.
Thousands Participate in Bicycle Parade in Budapest Organizers and police estimated that more than 10,000 people took part in the "I bike Budapest" bicycle parade on Saturday.... 2022.04.25.
Tom Jones to Give Concert in Hungary Tom Jones will give a concert in Hungary again. The world-famous Welsh singer will perform at the MVM Dome in... 2022.04.25.
Two of PM Orbán’s European Allies Lost Elections on Sunday Among the G20 - the world's 19 largest economies and the European Union - presidential or parliamentary elections will take... 2022.04.25.
Chancellor Scholz Congratulates Orbán 3 Weeks after Elections German Chancellor Olaf Scholz congratulated the Hungarian Prime Minister by e-mail on April 22, 19 days after the ruling Fidesz... 2022.04.25.
Huge Wage Gaps: Only Budapest and Győr-Moson-Sopron Employees Earn above Country’s Net Average Wage Only Budapest and Győr-Moson-Sopron county residents earn above the national average net monthly wage. This means that 18 other counties... 2022.04.25.
Black Swan Military Exercise Starts in Hungary This year, the Black Swan international special operations exercise will be held in Hungary between April 25 and May 13.... 2022.04.25.
Coronavirus: 53 Fatalities Reported Over the Weekend Altogether 53 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 72 hours, while 3,325 new coronavirus infections were registered,... 2022.04.25.
Press Roundup: Weeklies on the Elections – with Two Weeks’ Hindsight Commentators still struggle to find consistent explanations for the fourth consecutive electoral victory of Fidesz on 3 April. There is... 2022.04.25.