Teachers’ Unions Call on Govt to Meet Demands Before Election The strike committees of teacher trade unions PSZ and PDSZ have called on the government, in an open letter, to... 2022.03.30.
Hungary Ensures Schooling for Ukrainian Children – But How Will It Work? The Hungarian government is offering schooling to minors fleeing from Ukraine to Hungary, the Human Resources Ministry announced on Wednesday.... 2022.03.27.
Gov’t Not Planning to Negotiate with Teachers’ Unions Until after Elections The government does not want to negotiate with teachers' unions until after the elections. However, the unions will continue to... 2022.03.22.
Teachers Hold Demonstration in Budapest Speakers at a teachers' "checkered shirt" demonstration in front of the parliament building on Saturday stressed that the right to... 2022.03.20.
Opposition: Govt ‘Pushed Teachers to the Brink of Subsistence Crisis’ In the past 12 years, the government has "humiliated teachers and pushed them to the brink of a subsistence crisis,"... 2022.03.17.
Gov’t to Teachers: “Now is not the time to strike” Hungary's government agrees with the demands of teachers, but 87 percent of teachers agree that now is not the time... 2022.03.17.
Teachers’ Indefinite Strike Begins An indefinite teachers' strike organized by several unions began in Hungary at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning. Teachers have been trying... 2022.03.16.
Hungarian Teachers’ Salaries Low in Regional Comparison Teachers' wages in Hungary are low even in when compared regionally, according to G7's analysis. This applies both to entry... 2022.03.11.
PM Candidate Márki-Zay Presents Opposition Alliance’s Election Program Hungary has a chance to "find its way back" to civic values and Europe at the April 3rd election; the... 2022.03.10.
Teachers Union Calls on Gov’t to Negotiate Demands Concerning Wages and Workload The PDSZ teacher union, which has formed a strike committee, on Wednesday called on the government to negotiate its demands... 2022.03.10.
Teachers Call for Nationwide Protest if Gov’t Refuses to Revoke Ban on Strikes As the Hungarian government has revoked virtually all coronavirus-related restrictions and obligations, a teachers' trade union is demanding that the... 2022.03.08.
Teachers in Christian Schools Join Civil Disobediance Movement and Protests After more and more teachers started protesting, first in Budapest, then in other cities in the country, now teachers in... 2022.03.02.
Teachers Demonstrate in Budapest for Striking Rights Cut by Gov’t Some 200 teachers from six highly-rated grammar schools demonstrated in Budapest against the government's new mandate that, they believe, has... 2022.02.23.
Teacher Unions Turn to Top Court over Strike Restrictions Teacher unions PSZ and PDSZ have turned to the Constitutional Court over restrictions on strikes. In their appeal, the unions... 2022.02.23.
Teachers’ Civil Disobedience Continues, More and More Join Across Country On Tuesday, more schools than ever before joined teachers in their 'civil disobedience,' now in its second week, over a... 2022.02.22.
Teachers Practice ”Civil Disobedience” in Several High Schools After their latest strike did not make a difference, and after the government made striking more and more difficult for... 2022.02.18.
New Gov’t Decree Makes Teachers’ Strike Almost Impossible and Pointless On Friday, the government issued a decree in their official gazette, Magyar Közlöny, about how childcare has to be organized... 2022.02.14.
Press Roundup: Teachers Launch Warning-Strike A left-wing commentator accuses the government of ignoring the legitimate demands of teachers and trying to limit their right to... 2022.02.01.
HR Ministry Deems Monday’s Teachers’ Strike ‘Illegal’ The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) has told unions that a strike planned by teachers on Monday would be illegal... 2022.01.29.
Teaching in Hundreds of Schools May Be Halted on Monday Due to Strike Two lessons will be dropped from schoolchildren's timetables on Monday, as the two biggest teacher's unions are organizing a nationwide... 2022.01.28.
Teachers Preparing for General Strike if Monday’s 2-Hour Strike Does Not Have Any Effect "The strike is on because the government cannot delay the response any longer to public education's neglected state," says the... 2022.01.28.