Orbán Sends Condolences to US President Over Deadly Kabul Attacks Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday sent a telegram of sympathy to US President Joe Biden over the victims of... 2021.08.28.
Hungarian Major General to Take over KFOR Command Major General Ferenc Kajári will become the first Hungarian officer to take over the command of NATO's peacekeeping mission in... 2021.08.25.
Hungary Does Not Grant Automatic Asylum to 96 Evacuated Afghans 96 Afghans who served Hungary and its NATO allies in the war against the Taliban have been evacuated from Kabul,... 2021.08.24.
Press Roundup: Weeklies on the Afghanistan Debacle Commentators try to make sense of the collapse of the Afghan government and the victory of the Taliban, as US... 2021.08.24.
Army Chief: Hungary Military Committed to Executing EU, NATO Duties The Hungarian military is committed to carrying out its duties as an ally within the European Union and NATO, army... 2021.07.02.