World Bank Forecasts 5% Hungary Growth in 2022 Hungary's economy is forecast to grow by 5 percent this year, according to the World Bank, which raised its June... 2022.01.12.
Finance Minister: Gov’t Running ‘Disciplined Budget’ Hungary's government is running a disciplined, tight budget, Mihály Varga, the finance minister, said in an interview to public radio... 2022.01.10.
Finance Minister: Credit Rating Agencies Upbeat on Hungary’s Economy Hungary ended 2021 with investment grade status from all three major credit rating agencies, Finance Minister Mihály Varga said on... 2022.01.03.
Public Debt Set to Decline, Finance Minister Says Mihály Varga, in an interview with pro-Fidesz daily Magyar Nemzet, said there is a high chance that Hungary's public debt... 2021.12.31.
FinMin: Govt to Allocate HUF 25 Bn to Investment Support Programme in 2022 The government's investment support programme for large companies will continue in 2022 with a 25 billion forint (EUR 67.6 million)... 2021.12.30.
Finance Ministry Targets 5.9% Economic Growth Next Year The finance ministry says it expects the economy will grow by 5.9 percent next year. The 2022 budget law targets... 2021.12.29.
Finance Minister: Economy in Ruder Health Than After Previous Crisis Hungary's economy grew by 6.4 percent this year as opposed to a contraction of 6.6 percent the year after the... 2021.12.28.
Finance Minister: Gov’t to Cut Taxes by HUF 1,500 bn Next Year The government will cut taxes by 1,500 billion forints (EUR in 2022, a video posted on Wednesday on Finance... 2021.12.22.
FinMin Expects 5% GDP Growth, 4.9% Budget Deficit in 2022 The finance ministry is calculating with a GDP growth over 5 percent next year, making it possible to reduce the... 2021.12.17.
Finance Minister Further Lowers 2021 GDP Growth Projection Finance Minister Mihály Varga said Hungary's GDP is expected to grow by 6-6.5 percent this year at a general meeting... 2021.12.13.
FinMin: Brussels ‘Planning to Interfere’ with Member State Taxation Policy Hungary aims to continue cutting taxes as a means to restart the economy after the coronavirus pandemic and will not... 2021.12.08.
Hungary Marks 25 Years as OECD Member Hungary celebrated the 25th anniversary of its accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at an event... 2021.12.01.
Finance Minister: Growth to Exceed 5% in 2022 Hungary's economy was one of the fastest to recover from the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, with its output surpassing... 2021.11.29.
Hungary Investment Volume up 12.4% in Q3 Hungary's investment volume grew by an annual 12.4 percent in the third quarter, up from a low base, the Central... 2021.11.26.
Finance Minister on High Inflation: Fiscal Policy’s Effect “Only Mild” Mihály Varga, the finance minister, in an op-ed published on Tuesday, said fiscal policy and wages only had a mild... 2021.11.23.
Hungary’s Economic Growth Slows Down to 6.1% in Third Quarter of 2021 Hungary's economy grew by an annual 6.1 percent in the third quarter, slowing from 17.8 percent in Q2, according to... 2021.11.16.
Finance Minister: Economic Cabinet Decides on HUF 750 BN of Tax Cuts The economic cabinet has decided on 750 billion forints (2.044 billion euros) of tax cuts, with payroll taxes to be... 2021.11.13.
Finance Ministry Lowers 2021 GDP Forecast to 6.8% The finance ministry has lowered its projection for GDP growth this year to 6.8 percent against the backdrop of higher... 2021.11.04.
Gov’t: Regions Can Apply for HUF 1,800 bn for Developments The government is providing 1,800 billion forints (EUR 5bn) over the next seven years to less developed regions and localities... 2021.11.02.
Finance Minister Varga: Message of 1956 Still Relevant Today The remembrance of Hungary's anti-Soviet uprising of 1956 tells Hungarians that they must continue to fight the political players of... 2021.10.23.
Finance Minister Projects 7% GDP Growth for 2021 Thanks to the high inoculation rate, the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic is expected to be relatively weak in... 2021.10.19.