Mainstream Media Wants to Tell Readers What to Think, Says Editor-in-Chief of Austrian News Site The mainstream media in Austria and Germany are telling people to support the woke and gender ideology, and to be... 2023.01.27.
We Should Bring Some Old Journalistic Values to This New World Hungary’s leading talent promotion institution, Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), is holding a two-day conference in Budapest from Wednesday on the... 2023.01.26.
It is Good to be Good: Christmas Charity Donations Flood In This year, public media is helping the National Association of the Hungarian Blind and Visually Impaired (MVGYOSZ); thanks to their... 2022.12.20.
Journalists Play a Key Role in Maintaining National Unity The Hungarian nation is united, and we must look at what serves common national goals, said the Minister heading the... 2022.11.14.
Hungarian Public Media Budget Cut by Billions Even though Hungarian public media often gets criticized for being pro-government, especially when Western media outlets try to explain the... 2022.10.25.
Hungarians Are Using the Internet More and More In five years, Hungarians have used nine times as many gigabytes of internet: they are browsing more and more, video... 2022.08.23.
Analyst: ‘Activist Media Taking Over the Role of Political Parties’ Instead of reporting the news, the activist media is producing news and becoming political actors, says analyst Erik Tóth. "In... 2022.08.01.
End of an Era – Political Daily Magyar Hírlap Goes Online Only The venerable conservative daily newspaper will only be available in online version One of only two conservative daily newspapers... 2022.07.07.
Changes in Hungarian Media: Printing Closures and Ownership Changes Mediaworks will reduce its unused printing capacities and close two of its printing plants, Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. told MTI. In... 2022.06.14.
Hungary Moves up to 85th Place in Press Freedom Ranking After 92nd place last year, Hungary is now ranked 85th in the press freedom ranking of Reporters Without Borders (RSF),... 2022.05.03.
Opposition’s Collapse: What’s Behind it? Although the opposition's defeat was predicted, such a huge fiasco was not foreseen. Fidesz was able to improve almost everywhere,... 2022.04.05.
MTVA: OSCE ‘Trying to Drag Hungarian Public Media into Politics’ with ‘Pre-Judged’ Report The OSCE's interim report which refers to the state of Hungarian public media in connection with its mission to monitor... 2022.03.24.
Pro-gov’t Media Lost Ten Times as Many Lawsuits for Correction as Gov’t Critical Publications Government-critical news site Átlátszó has received data on the 2021 media correction lawsuits from the Metropolitan Court of Budapest. According... 2022.02.21.
Entire Editorial Staff of Transindex Resigned for Political Reasons The entire editorial staff of Transindex news portal in Transylvania resigned on Tuesday morning for political reasons, according to a... 2022.02.16.
Justice Min: Media Pluralism Not Fundamental Right but Connected to Market Europe is embroiled in a "truth war" being fought over "our future, the survival of the Hungarian nation and a... 2022.01.28.
Authorities Investigated Whether Sleeping Beauty, Pumuckl and Lion King Challenge Traditional Gender Roles Since the amendment known at first as the "Anti-Pedophile Law" but since then rather called the "Child Protection Law" was... 2022.01.06.
EU to Set Up News Agency Against Fake News, Leaves Out Hungary’s State Media The European Union wants to take up the fight against fake news by setting up a joint news agency in... 2021.12.04.
Gov’t Official: Media Becoming Political Player The press has lost its role of keeping the public informed and instead is turning into a political player amid... 2021.11.12.
Google Warns Hungarian Journalists of Gov’t-Backed Cyberattack Google has warned Hungarian investigative journalists that they were potential targets of a government-backed cyberattack, trying to access their accounts.... 2021.10.08.
Pro-Fidesz Tabloids Lose Lawsuit Against Hadházy, Claim Author of Defamatory Articles Unknown Following proven instances of defamation and falsehoods, pro-government tabloids Ripost and Origo have refused to give out the details of... 2021.10.08.
Hungarian Gov’t Isolates Literature and Media with LGBTQ Content The first element of Hungary’s ban on the promotion of homosexuality has been written into law and will take effect... 2021.08.11.