MEP Considers the European Parliament’s Resolution as “Political Blackmail” "Another shameful resolution condemning Hungary has been adopted by the Soros-sympathizing majority in the European Parliament," said Balázs Hidvéghi, Fidesz... 2024.01.19.
Fidesz Objects to Controversial Finnish MEP’s ECA Candidacy The Fidesz group in the European Parliament (EP) has sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament and... 2024.01.19.
Oppositions MEPs Stab Hungarian Student in the Back Momentum MEPs Anna Donáth (L) and Katalin Cseh During its plenary week, the European Parliament voted on the report entitled... 2024.01.17.
Slovak Politician Slams Finnish MEP for his Attacks on Hungary Slovak Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Katarína Roth Nevedalová from the Slovak Social Democrats (Smer-SSD) pointed out that a... 2024.01.11.
Honey Origin Labeling to Become Mandatory in the EU Following Hungarian Proposal On Hungary's initiative, EU agriculture ministers have agreed that in the future it will be compulsory to indicate the origin... 2023.12.12.
Viktor Orbán Discusses Ukraine and EU Strategy Ahead of Council Meeting On the eve of the European Council meeting, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed Ukraine, Putin, and the rise of European... 2023.12.11.
Submission, Not Reforms, Expected in Return for EU Funds Tuesday's European Parliament debate has demonstrated unequivocally that no amount of reforms will convince the the European bureaucracy to release... 2023.11.23.
Report on EU Law Primacy Jeopardizes Independence of National Courts On Tuesday, the European Parliament plenary session adopted a report on the primacy of EU law, MEP László Trócsányi said... 2023.11.22.
Balázs Hidvéghi: Migration Has Become One of Europe’s Biggest Challenges “The mandatory relocations and migrant quotas have been issues for years,” said Balázs Hidvéghi, Fidesz MEP, on the Sunday Newspaper program... 2023.10.09.
Winner of Slovak Elections Threatened with Expulsion from EP Group Former Swedish PM, President of PES, Stefan Löfven during a Pride march No sooner were the results of the parliamentary... 2023.10.03.
Fidesz MEPs Oppose the EU’s “Objectification” of Human Embryos On 12 September 2023, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the report on new rules governing the use of so-called substances... 2023.09.28.
Exclusion from Erasmus Education Programs “Political Blackmail” Since the Hungarian government has fulfilled the European Commission's expectations regarding Erasmus education programs, the ongoing discriminatory case against students... 2023.09.21.
The EU Needs to Find Its Way Back to Credibility, Warns MEP The Brussels elite has failed badly, stated Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi this Wednesday on his social media page, also sharing... 2023.09.14.
No Clear Support for Ursula von der Leyen from Hungary With less than a year to go until the European elections, the composition of the European Parliament will be decided,... 2023.09.05.
Right-wing Majority in the European Parliament Could Offer Hope for the Continent Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó (R) and President of the Estonian Conservative People's Party Martin Helme The hope for Europe... 2023.09.04.
Fidesz MEPs: Hungary’s EU Funds Must Not Be Given to Others Hungary must receive a budgetary and legal guarantee that the EU funds earmarked for it, be it the Erasmus and... 2023.08.31.
Progressive Politicians in Slovakia Take Offense at Péter Szijjártó’s Message Eight Slovak liberal politicians have spoken out against Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who had last week remarked about an... 2023.08.15.
EU Funds to Help Make Our Country One of the Most Livable by 2030 The Hungarian government aims to use EU funds to make Hungary one of the five most liveable countries in the... 2023.07.27.
“The world of NGOs must be exposed,” Warns Judit Varga "In Brussels, democracy has simply been stolen and the EU is run by NGOs. Big internationally funded NGOs are also... 2023.07.24.
EP Vice-President Barley Still Trying to “Starve” Hungary European Parliament Vice President Katarina Barley is warning German companies against investing in Hungary and making serious accusations against the... 2023.07.18.
Hungarian MEP Lambasts European Parliament for Its Corruption Scandals Brussels is indulging in corruption, and the champions of the rule of law in the bloc's headquarters should first sweep... 2023.07.13.