Press Roundup: Evaluation of Macron’s Visit to Hungary Commentators on both sides of the political divide see both room for cooperation and opposition between the President of France... 2021.12.15.
Opposition after Meeting Macron: Strong Europe Needed In connection with Emmanuel Macron's visit to Budapest on Monday, the Budapest mayor's office issued a statement that the French... 2021.12.14.
V4-Macron Meeting: Agreement on Need to Protect EU’s External Borders The Visegrad Group (V4) leaders held "exhaustive talks" with French President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after the... 2021.12.14.
Orbán-Macron Meeting: “We’re Both Political Opponents and European Partners” Viktor Orbán, in a joint press release with the French president issued before a meeting with the Visegrad Group (V4)... 2021.12.13.
“There is no single uniform concept of rule of law” – Interview with Fidesz MEP László Trócsányi Rule of law can vary from country to country because it is embedded historically, culturally, politically, and philosophically in a... 2021.12.03.
Justice Minister: Advocate General’s Proposal ‘Not the Verdict, Just an Opinion’ The opinion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union that the court should dismiss... 2021.12.02.
Hungary, Poland Suit Against Rule-of-law Conditionality ‘Should Be Dismissed,’ ECJ Advocate General Says Campos Sánchez-Bordona, the Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice, on Thursday issued an opinion that Hungary and Poland's suit... 2021.12.02.
Justice Min on LIBE Report: Gov’t Always Respected EU Values, Rejects Political Pressure Widepsread corruption, threats to judicial independence and media freedom are among the main findings of the report by the European... 2021.12.01.
State secretary Orbán: EU Migration Framework Should Be Replaced Balázs Orbán argues that the European Union needs stronger border control policies and a clearer interpretation of the conception of... 2021.11.23.
Fidesz MEP: ’30 years after the collapse of communist dictatorship, they are curtailing our freedoms in the EU’ The Brussels representative office of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary has organised a conference dubbed Freedom at which conservative,... 2021.11.10.
Press Roundup: Poland and EU on a Crash Course Left-wing and liberal commentators interpret the latest ruling of the Polish Constitutional Court on a verdict by the European Court... 2021.11.05.
FM Szijjártó: Govt Rejects Doubts over Hungary’s Democratic Nature The Hungarian government is always prepared to engage in dialogue on specific issues and laws but it firmly rejects remarks... 2021.11.03.
Justice Min: Gov’t in Favor of ‘Europe of Strong Nations’ Hungary's government wants to see Europe as a "strong alliance of strong nations", Justice Minister Judit Varga said during an... 2021.10.26.
PM Orbán: EC’s Planned Climate Package ‘Will Destroy’ Europe’s Middle Classes The European Commission's planned Fit for 55 climate package and resulting high energy prices "will destroy" Europe's middle classes, Prime... 2021.10.22.
Fidesz MEP Slams EU for Handling Energy Crisis ‘Wrong’ The European Union is managing the current energy crisis just as badly as it has handled the migration crisis since... 2021.10.20.
Fidesz MEP: ‘Brussels Waging Political Cold War against Poland’ The European Commission is "waging a political cold war" against Poland instead of fulfilling its duties as guardian of the... 2021.10.20.
Justice Min in Sweden: ‘We say no to the outsourcing of the rule of law’ Justice Minister Judit Varga held talks on the issue of the rule of law in Hungary and the future of... 2021.10.19.
Fidesz EP Group Vows to Defend National Constitutions The European parliamentary group of Hungary's ruling Fidesz will defend the constitutions of European Union member states, MEP László Trócsányi... 2021.10.14.
LIBE Delegation Head: Fair Play in Hungarian Elections ‘Doubtful’ in Light of Fidesz’s Power Hungary has a kind of "one party system," and the fact that "one single party has put its people everywhere,... 2021.10.06.
Press Roundup: Weeklies on Discord Within the Opposition Over Proposals to Scrap the 2011 Constitution Commentators across the political spectrum wonder whether, if they win the election next April, the opposition could or would revoke... 2021.10.04.
Two LIBE Delegation Members Call for Stopping ‘Witch-hunt’ against Hungary It is high time to stop a show trial or "witch-hunt" that Hungary is subjected to by European Union institutions,... 2021.10.02.