Raoul Wallenberg Prize Handed to Individuals, Groups Active in Disadvantaged Communities The Raoul Wallenberg Prize was handed over to four individuals and a civil organisation that helps disadvantaged communities in Hungary,... 2022.01.26.
Katalin Karikó Elected to French Academy of Sciences, Awarded Lipid Science Prize Hungarian-born biochemist Katalin Karikó has been elected to the French Academy of Sciences as a foreign associate member and awarded... 2022.01.14.
Biochemist Katalin Karikó Receives Helmholtz Medal Hungarian biochemist, Katalin Karikó, who contributed to the development of mRNA technology, received this year's Helmholtz Medal of the Berlin-Brandenburg... 2021.12.23.
Hungary’s Ask for Help! Program Wins European Crime Prevention Award Hungary's Ask for Help! program raising awareness to bullying and violence among minors and promoting ways of prevention has won... 2021.12.14.
mRNA Vaccine Inventor Karikó Honored With Germany’s ‘Future’ Prize Katalin Karikó has received another prestigious award. The 'Future Prize' was awarded by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on November 17... 2021.11.19.
Katalin Karikó Receives Prestigious Cancer Research Award for mRNA Technology Katalin Karikó has been awarded the William B. Coley Prize from the US Cancer Research Institute (CRI) for the development... 2021.11.08.
mRNA Pioneer Karikó Named Woman of the Year by Glamour Magazine After receiving numerous awards, both in Hungary and abroad, biochemist Katalin Karikó has now become one of Glamour's Women of... 2021.11.03.
Hungarian High School Student Wins One of Oxford’s Most Prestigious Essay Competitions A Hungarian student from the László Lovassy High School in Veszprém and the Milestone Institute has won the Mary Renault... 2021.10.19.