Covid-19 And The Importance of Free Movement Within Europe Covid-19 has affected different people in many different ways. It has also affected different “peoples” in different ways, through mask... 2021.08.18.
EU Funds to Promote Local Renewable Energy Production in Hungary The Hungarian government will receive 4 billion forints (EUR 11.4m) from the European Union's Modernisation Fund to promote renewable energy... 2021.08.18.
Govt Official: Global Minimum Tax against Hungary’s Interests Hungary refuses to give up its financial sovereignty by introducing a global minimum corporate tax rate, finance ministry state secretary... 2021.08.14.
Diplomatic Tension Between Norway and Hungary Grows as Orbán Gov’t Loses Access to Norwegian Funds The row continues over the 215 million euros in financial aid to which Hungary recently lost access. The Hungarian government... 2021.08.10.
Fidesz MEP Turns to OLAF, Accusing Opposition Politician of EU Fraud Tamás Deutsch, MEP of governing Fidesz, has filed a complaint with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) in the case of... 2021.08.10.
Press Roundup: Diverging Views on Hungary’s Place in Europe Pro-government commentators portray Hungary as a defender of traditional European values. Their liberal counterpart, on the other hand, accuses the... 2021.08.09.
PMO Head Gulyás: EC ‘Endangering EU’ by Stepping Beyond its Jurisdiction The European Commission cannot afford to involve itself in partisan politics, as this would eventually tear the European Union apart,... 2021.08.06.
Same Name, Diff. Quality: Food Products Sold in Hungary Differ in Germany and Austria Hungary’s National Food Safety Authority examined various products in Austria, Germany, and Hungary for years in order to determine any... 2021.08.04.
Election Cttee Approves Govt’s Child Protection Referendum Questions The National Election Committee (NVB) on Friday approved the government's five referendum questions on child protection. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán... 2021.07.31.
MSZP Calls for Hungary to Join European Public Prosecutor’s Office The opposition Socialists called on the government to have Hungary join the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), an MEP of... 2021.07.29.
PM Orbán: Child Protection Laws National Competency, Brussels Has Attacked Hungary "Brussels has attacked Hungary," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his regular interview on public radio on Friday, adding that... 2021.07.23.
PMO Head: Referendum on Child Protection to Be Held Late 2021, Early 2022 The referendum on child protection will be held at the end of 2021 or early 2022, and is expected to... 2021.07.22.
DK Accuses Fidesz of Looking to Leave EU The threat that ruling Fidesz would lead Hungary out of the European Union is greater than ever, the opposition Democratic... 2021.07.22.
FM Szijjártó to BBC: Hungary Under Constant Attack from Brussels Hungary is under "continuous attack from Brussels, whatever we decide, European institutions find a way to put some pressure on... 2021.07.22.
Fidesz: Left-wing Siding with Brussels and LGBT Activists Hungary's left wing has sided with Brussels and LGBT activists, ruling Fidesz said on Wednesday in response to the opposition... 2021.07.22.
Gov’t Again Allows Referendums, PM Orbán Promptly Announces One on “Child Protection” Against Brussels The government has decided to allow referendums once again. Virtually just hours after the decree came out, Prime Minister Viktor... 2021.07.21.
Justice Min. on Rule of Law Report: EC ‘Blackmailing’ Hungary Over Child Protection Law "The European Commission has been blackmailing Hungary over its child protection law," Justice Minister Judit Varga said on Facebook, commenting... 2021.07.21.
Hungary’s Surveillance Scandal Generates International Backlash An international backlash against Hungary grows due to the recent surveillance scandal known as the "Pegasus Project,” according to which... 2021.07.20.
Hungary Presents Joint Proposal on Support for Natl Apiculture Programmes Hungary presented a joint proposal on supporting the health conditions of bee colonies through national apiculture programmes at a meeting... 2021.07.20.
Fidesz MEP: Brussels Abusing its Powers Brussels is abusing its powers, constantly making threats and engaging in political blackmail, Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi said on Sunday,... 2021.07.19.
Fidesz Lawmaker Praises V4 Cooperation In the forthcoming year, the actions of the Hungarian presidency of the Visegrad Group will be governed by the conviction... 2021.07.19.