FM Szijjártó: ‘National Interests to Remain Foreign Policy Priority for Hungary” Hungary will continue to promote its national interests in foreign policy, Péter Szijjártó, the minister of foreign affairs and trade,... 2021.12.15.
Justice Minister: ‘Hungarian Top Court Ruling Compass for EU Migration Policy’ The European Union's refugee and migration system is not sufficient enough to defend Europe from illegal migration but the Hungarian... 2021.12.15.
Press Roundup: Evaluation of Macron’s Visit to Hungary Commentators on both sides of the political divide see both room for cooperation and opposition between the President of France... 2021.12.15.
FM Szijjártó: Serbia ‘Should Have Joined EU Yesterday’ Hungary vigorously supports the speedy integration of Serbia into the European Union, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after a meeting... 2021.12.14.
Venice Commission: Hungary’s Child Protection Law ‘Incompatible’ with Int’l Human Rights Norms The Venice Commission has said amendments to Hungary's child protection law were "incompatible" with international human rights norms. In a... 2021.12.14.
Opposition after Meeting Macron: Strong Europe Needed In connection with Emmanuel Macron's visit to Budapest on Monday, the Budapest mayor's office issued a statement that the French... 2021.12.14.
Foreign Minister Calls for EU Agreement with Africa to Help Population Stay in Place The European Union should seek an agreement with Africa on ways to convince the population to stay where they are... 2021.12.14.
FM Szijjártó: EU Working to Prepare ‘European Version of UN Migration Pact’ The European Union's Post-Cotonou agreement with Caribbean and Pacific states is "a new madness", the "EU version of the UN... 2021.12.10.
Hungary Has Trade Deficit for Fourth Month in a Row Hungary, an export-driven economy where trade surpluses are the norm, had a trade deficit for the fourth month in a... 2021.12.09.
President Áder Calls for Changes to EU Migration Laws President János Áder, after talks with Latvian counterpart Egils Levits on Wednesday, called for a review of European Union migration... 2021.12.08.
Commission Plans New Media Rules in EU, Hungarian Media Landscape May Be a Reason The European Commission plans to introduce rules next year to prevent a few large media groups from acquiring smaller rivals... 2021.12.08.
FinMin: Brussels ‘Planning to Interfere’ with Member State Taxation Policy Hungary aims to continue cutting taxes as a means to restart the economy after the coronavirus pandemic and will not... 2021.12.08.
Deputy PM Semjén: ‘Christian’ is ‘Boo Word’ in Today’s EU It isn't polite to use the word Christian in today's European Union, and to put it in the context of... 2021.12.07.
PM Orbán: ‘We understood Merkel, she understood us’, but era of ambiguity over According to the prime minister, "the era of ambiguity, stealth politics and drifting has ended with Merkel." In one of... 2021.12.06.
Foreign Minister: Hungary Economy among ‘Winners of New World Economy’ Hungary's economy rebounded to pre-pandemic levels by mid-2021, while the global economy is only expected to do the same by... 2021.12.06.
Justice Minister: EU Enlargement Key to Future of Europe The key to the future of Europe is the enlargement of the European Union and it must be understood that... 2021.12.06.
PM Orbán Aims to Change Politics of Brussels Brussels is supporting migration and does not protect families and children which should be the other way round, Prime Minister... 2021.12.04.
EU to Set Up News Agency Against Fake News, Leaves Out Hungary’s State Media The European Union wants to take up the fight against fake news by setting up a joint news agency in... 2021.12.04.
Pegasus Case: Data Authority Waiting for List of Targets Hungary’s data protection authority (NAIH) has yet to close its investigation of the Pegasus case, saying that they are still... 2021.12.04.
“There is no single uniform concept of rule of law” – Interview with Fidesz MEP László Trócsányi Rule of law can vary from country to country because it is embedded historically, culturally, politically, and philosophically in a... 2021.12.03.
Orbán Gov’t Blocks Joint EU Representation at US Democracy Summit Because of Biden’s Snub Hungary is blocking the European Union from participating in U.S. President Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy later this month because... 2021.12.03.