Companies Line up for Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Project Contracts Representatives of 180 companies from Hungary and abroad were keen to find out how and what kind of contracts they... 2024.02.27.
Paks Nuclear Power Plant Expansion Project Proceeding Smoothly Construction site of Paks II in January, 2024 Work on the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant is proceeding... 2024.02.07.
The Two Ends of the New Danube Bridge under Construction Merge The construction of Hungary's 20th bridge's track over the Danube has been completed with the fixing of the last element.... 2024.01.29.
Twentieth Danube Bridge to Open This Summer A huge investment is about to be completed, reports Világgazdaság. In a few months, the twentieth Danube bridge in Hungary... 2024.01.18.
New Aircrew Training Facility to Be Built in Pápa Boeing C-17 Globemaster The foundation stone of the new C-17 Aircrew Training System (Simulator) building of the Strategic Air Command... 2024.01.15.
Newest Section of the M6 Motorway to Open in March The final section of the new motorway linking two countries will be opened in Hungary this spring, and in Croatia... 2024.01.08.
Spectacular Video of the Paks Danube Bridge Nearing Completion Drone photo of the almost completed bridge, December 5, 2023. At the beginning of December, the construction project of the... 2024.01.03.
Construction of the Most Expensive Motorway in the Country Could Start Soon Next year, the construction of the connection of Zalaegerszeg (western Hungary) to the national motorway network could start, and the... 2023.12.19.
A New “Millenium City Center” to Be Built in Budapest A new "millennium city center" will be created in the area of the Rákosrendező railway station, on an area of... 2023.12.05.
Crucial New Bridge over the Danube Planned from Spring The Danube bridge under construction in Kalocsa (Bács-Kiskun County) The tender for the construction of the Danube bridge and the... 2023.12.04.
Largest Ongoing Danube Bridge Project in the Country Nears Completion Hungary's largest ongoing bridge project in the southern part of the country, between Paks (Tolna County) and Kalocsa (Bács-Kiskun County)... 2023.10.25.
No More Obstacles to the Expansion of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant The Paks II construction site All obstacles to the implementation of the Paks II project have been removed thanks to... 2023.09.25.
New Neighborhood to be Built on the Banks of the Danube in Budapest About fourteen hectares of former industrial land in Budapest will be rehabilitated. The new district would include a one-kilometer-long stretch... 2023.09.20.
Green Light for Expansion of Paks Nuclear Power Plant The Hungarian National Atomic Energy Authority has granted an important milestone for the construction permit for the expansion of the... 2022.08.26.
BudaPart Wins Best Neighborhood Development in International Competition The BudaPart project has won the Best Neighborhood Development award at the FIABCI international real estate competition in Paris. The... 2022.06.10.
Nearly a Hundred Swallows’ Nests Knocked Down at Factory in Mályi The Mályi Bird Rescue Station received an anonymous report that there were swallows' nests at a company's factory, where there... 2022.04.23.
Mandatory Declaration of Construction Material Exports Extended until May 31 The government has extended the mandatory declaration of the export of strategic building materials from Hungary until May 31, the... 2022.01.11.
Construction Phase of Paks Nuclear Plant Upgrade Set to Start in 2022 The construction phase of the Paks nuclear plant upgrade project is set to get under way in 2022, János Süli,... 2021.12.04.
Hungary Investment Volume up 12.4% in Q3 Hungary's investment volume grew by an annual 12.4 percent in the third quarter, up from a low base, the Central... 2021.11.26.
Socialists Request Constitutional Review of Lake Balaton Construction Regulations The opposition Socialist Party (MSZP) on Thursday said it has asked the Constitutional Court to retrospectively review and annul a... 2021.08.13.