The construction of the bridge is expected to be finished by summer 2024.Continue reading
The construction of Hungary’s 20th bridge’s track over the Danube has been completed with the fixing of the last element. The bridge is scheduled for completion this summer, and the journey time between Kalocsa and Paks will be significantly reduced, Világgazdaság reports.
The concrete deck of the last element of the new Kalocsa-Paks Danube bridge has been poured, closing the three-part structure of the 946.2 m long, 10-span bridge. The project, started in February 2021, is expected to have a major economic stimulating effect in the region.
Thanks to the new Danube bridge, the journey time between Kalocsa and the M6 motorway, and between Kalocsa and Paks will be reduced from 55 minutes to approximately 15 minutes, says the Ministry of Construction and Transport.
During the construction of the substructures (including the foundations) and superstructures of the new bridge, the contractor used approximately 28,000 cubic meters of concrete, and the weight of the steel structure exceeds 5,000 tons. In addition, 418 kilometers of pre-stressing tendons were installed and 82,300 tons of stone were used for the hydraulic structures and pillar protection.
After the last element has been lifted in, there is still plenty of work to be done, such as insulating the bridge deck, asphalting, on-site corrosion protection, painting the pavement, installing railings, public and decorative lighting, the bridge monitoring and alarm system, navigation signs, and air traffic warning.
The new Kalocsa-Paks Danube bridge, to be completed by summer 2024, will be the 20th bridge on the Hungarian stretch of the Danube.
The development is being carried out by Duna Aszfalt Zrt. as part of an investment by the Ministry of Construction and Transport. The bridge and the connecting road network cost HUF 92 billion (EUR 236 million) to build.
Via Világgazdaság, Featured image: Facebook/Duna Aszfalt