Commissioner Launches Inquiry into Child Safety in Schools To prevent future abuses of children's rights, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Ákos Kozma, has launched an ex-officio comprehensive inquiry... 2023.02.28.
Government Spent 5.5 Percent of GDP on Family Support The Hungarian government spent 5.5 percent of its GDP on family support last year, the Deputy State Secretary for Family... 2023.02.14.
Children from Ukraine Find Refuge and Solace in Hungarian Camp Children from the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian children from Mikolayiv and Kharkhiv, have been welcomed... 2023.02.10.
Diaspora Program to Show Children of Hungarian Descent “Home” The Diaspora Program 2023 was presented by Árpád János Potápi, State Secretary for National Policy and Csongor Csáky, President of... 2023.02.06.
Teenagers are Hooked on TikTok, Media Authority Warns The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) is concerned that ten to fifteen-year-old teenagers spend an average of two hours... 2023.01.25.
Baby Bond Helps Set Up Young Hungarians for Life More than 300,000 children already have a Start securities account, also called the 'Baby Bond,' with the Hungarian State Treasury,... 2023.01.16.
Mothers under 30 Can Save HUF 900,000 a Year with New Tax Measure The new family policy measure, in effect since January 1 helping women between the ages of 25 and 30 with... 2023.01.05.
Pope Francis Acknowledges Hungarian Government’s Family Policy The Holy Father is well aware of the efforts of Budapest and the countries of Central Europe to preserve values... 2023.01.05.
HUF 310 Billion Left in Families’ Pockets in 2022 Hungary's family tax system provides significant tax relief at the third lowest personal income tax rate in Europe, thus rewarding... 2023.01.03.
Married Couples Spend Baby-expecting Loan Mainly on Buying Homes One of the leading banks in Hungary, K&H, has disbursed more than 225 billion forints (EUR 558 million) worth of... 2023.01.03.
Christmas Presents for Hungarian Children Living beyond the Border According to a statement by the Rákóczi Association, storybooks, sweets, and a letter encouraging parents to choose Hungarian schools will... 2022.12.07.
Court Rules in Favor of Newspaper against Lesbian Association Mediaworks, a Hungarian media giant, has won a case against the Labrisz Lesbian Association, according to a ruling handed down... 2022.11.24.
Youths Help Families with Children in Need with Donations This year, the "Young People for Families with Small Children" program has collected 7.5 tons of donations, which will help... 2022.11.23.
Lost Child Found after Massive Search-Operation The search for a 6-year-old Hungarian girl has come to a happy end on Monday. Zora disappeared on Sunday from... 2022.11.15.
Children in Hungary Are Being Adopted at an Increasingly Young Age Children are being adopted at a younger and younger age, which contributes to their successful integration, the Secretary of State... 2022.11.10.
Number of LGBTQ Cartoon Characters on the Rise in Hungary LGBTQ characters are flooding into cartoons and children's stories, Magyar Nemzet, a Hungarian news site has reported. The article reveals... 2022.11.02.
Online Challenges Put Children at Risk In recent years, online challenges have become a growing danger, with increasing physical and mental risks, self-harm, and even death,... 2022.09.30.
Twelve Hundred Ukrainian Refugee Children Attending Camps in Hungary In recent months, more than 1,200 children from Ukraine have been attending camps run by charitable organizations throughout Hungary, said... 2022.08.19.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Report Reflects Radical NGO Influence Europe is at war, the continent is facing an unprecedented, all-encompassing energy crisis, but Brussels continues to wage ideological warfare... 2022.06.16.
Child Rescue Point Opens in Balatonlelle A child rescue point was inaugurated on Wednesday in Balatonlelle. The 140 square meter base was built in cooperation between... 2022.06.09.
Hungary’s Population Decline Continues in April Preliminary data show that 6,484 children were born and 10,852 people died in April 2022, with the number of live... 2022.05.27.