National Bank Governor: Hungarian Economy Saved by Private Sector Hungary's management of the coronavirus crisis last year yielded mixed results, National Bank of Hungary (NBH) governor György Matolcsy wrote... 2021.07.06.
Hungary and Serbia Connect Black Sea-Central EU Gas Pipeline Networks The end points of Hungary's and Serbia's high-pressure gas pipeline networks have been physically connected near Horgos (Horgoš), Serbia, on... 2021.07.05.
Environmental Impacts of Fashion Industry Increasingly Alarming The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world. Freshwater and ocean pollution, the accumulation of textile waste,... 2021.07.04.
Canada, Thailand Lift Restrictions on Hungarian Poultry Imports Canada and Thailand have lifted restrictions on imports of Hungarian poultry introduced due to an outbreak of highly pathogenic bird... 2021.07.03.
Plans Under Way for Hungary-Ukraine Rail Transhipment Zone Plans are under way to develop a rail transhipment zone on the Hungary-Ukraine border, the finance minister said on Friday.... 2021.07.03.
Govt Sector Deficit Reaches 6.1% of GDP in First Quarter Hungary's government sector ran a 788 billion forint (EUR 2.24bn) deficit in the first quarter, equivalent to 6.1 percent of... 2021.07.01.