State Sec Soltész: Descendants of 1956 Communists ‘Live Among Us’ Though most of the communists of 1956 are now gone, their descendants and spiritual heirs "live among us", the state... 2021.10.23.
BP Mayor Karácsony: Ideals of 1956 Must be Preserved “Every Day” The ideals of 1956 and the hopes of 1989 must be preserved "every day", Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony said on... 2021.10.23.
Finance Minister Varga: Message of 1956 Still Relevant Today The remembrance of Hungary's anti-Soviet uprising of 1956 tells Hungarians that they must continue to fight the political players of... 2021.10.23.
Family Affairs Minister: History Gave Hungarians Strength in 1956 In Hungary's 1956 revolution against Soviet rule, the ones with the power to act were those who "remained free" under... 2021.10.23.
Hungary Hoists National Tricolor in Commemoration of 1956 Uprising Hungary's national flag was hoisted in front of the Parliament building on Saturday, in a state commemoration marking the anniversary... 2021.10.23.
House Speaker: Regime Change Possible Thanks to ’56 Heroes The fall of the communist regime in 1989 was in part thanks to the heroes of the 1956 uprising, Speaker... 2021.10.22.
PM Orbán to Meet Le Pen in Budapest Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the leader of Hungary's ruling Fidesz party, will meet Marine Le Pen, the leader of the... 2021.10.22.
Production Starts of First Electric Car Manufactured in Hungary Hungarian car manufacturing has arrived at a new milestone with the mass production of the first fully electric cars manufactured... 2021.10.22.
1956 Commemoration in Jerusalem: “Excellent Hungary-Israel Ties Based on Common Interests” Hungary and Israel's excellent ties are based on common interests, according to diplomats attending a reception in Jerusalem to mark... 2021.10.22.
Éva Szombat Wins Capa Grand Prize Éva Szombat has won the 2021 Capa Grand Prize with her entry called I Want Orgasms, Not Roses, the Robert... 2021.10.22.
FM Szijjártó: Baden-Wuerttemberg Migration Minister Thanks Hungary for Border Protection The new minister of justice and migration of Germany's Baden-Wuerttemberg province has thanked Hungary for protecting the European Union's external... 2021.10.22.
China’s CECZ Building Huge Warehouse Base Near Budapest China's CECZ group is building a 27 billion forint (EUR 74m) warehouse base in Vác, north of the capital, government... 2021.10.22.
PM Orbán: EC’s Planned Climate Package ‘Will Destroy’ Europe’s Middle Classes The European Commission's planned Fit for 55 climate package and resulting high energy prices "will destroy" Europe's middle classes, Prime... 2021.10.22.
Gov’t Wants to Bring Back ‘Transit Zones’ for Migrants Hungary will ask Brussels to amend European Union regulations in order to enable bringing back transit zones for migrants, the... 2021.10.21.
PMO Head: Gov’t Committed to ‘Protecting Utility Bill Cuts’ Hungary's government opposes a tax Brussels wants to impose on home and car owners on the grounds of fighting climate... 2021.10.21.
Trade Minister: US Companies Second-biggest Group of Investors in Hungary The American Chamber of Commerce and the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) hosted the 7th Business Meets Government Summit in... 2021.10.21.
Pro-govt Group CÖF: Organization’s Website Subject of DoS Attacks The website of the pro-government Civic Union Forum (CÖF) and associated CÖKA foundation, currently organizing a Peace March for the... 2021.10.21.
Number of Insolvencies Set to Climb by 20% in 2021 The number of corporate insolvencies in Hungary is expected to climb by 20 percent this year, edging over 5,150, according... 2021.10.21.
Croatian Fugitives Wanted for Retribution Shootings Arrested in Hungary Two Croatian nationals wanted in connection with a series of retribution shootings committed across Europe have been arrested by Hungarian... 2021.10.21.
Fidesz Deputy: Bavarian CSU Continues to Regard Fidesz as ‘Natural Partner’ The Christian Social Union (CSU) of Bavaria continues to regard Hungary's ruling Fidesz as its "natural partner" and stands ready... 2021.10.21.