Cooperation of University of Debrecen and BMW Group Factory to Set a Milestone Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University (L) and Hans-Peter Kemser, President and CEO of BMW Manufacturing Hungary Kft. (R) The... 2023.07.05.
Doctoral Trainings Strengthened within the Program for Innovation The conference at Óbuda University on 28 June 2023. Within the framework of the Neumann János Program, we will renew... 2023.06.29.
Newly Opened Innovation Experience Center to Foster Creativity High-tech has a large share in the structure of the Hungarian economy, said Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy, at... 2023.06.29.
Hungary to Move Up in EU Innovation Ranking The European Commission's 2023 Innovation Scoreboard has moved us from fourth to third place - with Budapest and its region... 2023.06.28.
Parliament Allocates Billions to Top Research Projects Seventy-nine billion forints (about EUR 213 M) is available this year for innovation and research applications under the János Neumann... 2023.06.23.
Being a Country of Creativity and Innovation Are Keys to the Future Hungarian creativity is the key to the country's future, Balázs Hankó, Secretary of State for Innovation and Higher Education at... 2023.06.14.
World’s Corporate Elite Now Recognize Hungarian Workforce An increasing number of investments with high added value are arriving in Hungary, as shown by the fact that the... 2023.06.05.
New Strategic Program for Science and Innovation The John von Neumann Program is the new strategic program for Hungarian science and innovation, Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for... 2023.05.04.
Hungarian Agency To Strengthen Female Entrepreneur Network After its own female business development program, Hungarian-founded international agency Design Terminal could form a European network of female entrepreneurs... 2023.03.17.
Hungary’s Start-up Ecosystem Has Good Potential The development of Hungary's start-up ecosystem could be a breakthrough point in talent attraction and digitalization, for which Hungary has... 2023.02.01.
Defense Reform in Hungary Progressing Well A new approach and domestic innovations are needed in defense development, while the reform of the sector is progressing well,... 2022.12.28.
Hungary on track to becoming one of Europe’s innovation leaders Hungary could be among Europe's innovation leaders by 2030, but the research and development system established in recent years could... 2022.10.12.
Hungary among World Leaders in High-tech Manufacturing The latest edition of two international innovation rankings published at the end of September, ranks Hungary among the best in... 2022.10.10.
An Increasing Number of Hungarians Prefer Card Payments Electronic payments services continued to grow dynamically in the second quarter, while mobile payments saw a two-and-a-half-fold jump, according to... 2022.09.16.
Minister: “Preserving our capacity to act is the key to the future” The national opening ceremony of the vocational education and training year in Hungary was held on Tuesday, with a speech... 2022.08.31.
Innovation is the Key to the Future, Says Culture Minister In a debate, Socialist politician István Hiller urged the government to be more moderate when it comes to major investments.... 2022.08.29.
Minister of Culture and Innovation: Hungary to Increase R&D and Innovation Spending 1.6% to 3% by 2030 Hungary will increase its research, development, and innovation spending from the current 1.6 percent of GDP to 3 percent by... 2022.06.14.
Hungary at World’s Biggest Intelligent Transport Systems Event for First Time Hungary is present for the first time at the world's largest event dedicated to intelligent transport systems, with a national... 2021.10.12.
Hungary’s Innovation Moves Up One Place on Global Index Hungary has moved up a single place since last year in the Global Innovation Index which measures the performance of... 2021.09.21.
Drone Coalition Elects Board Members The Hungarian Drone Coalition elected its nine board members and approved the establishment of its professional working groups at its... 2021.07.13.
Hungary Innovation Index up 3 Points from Last year Hungary's summary innovation index on the European Commission's annual European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) has improved by three points to 76.4... 2021.07.09.