INTERVIEW: “Woke Politics Drive Europe to Poverty, Repression and Deep Crisis” According to Maximilian Krah, today's Germany is both united and divided, and his party will inevitably become increasingly important in... 2022.11.08.
AfD Invites Viktor Orbán to a Dialogue According to the AfD's reaction to Viktor Orbán's interview, the German government has less regard for bilateral relations than the... 2022.10.28.
Hans-Georg Maaßen Declares Europe is Being Overrun by Woke Ideology The former head of Germany's domestic security agency, Hans-Georg Maaßen, talked to the Hungarian weekly Mandiner about his impression of... 2022.10.26.
Viktor Orbán’s Berlin Panel Talk Interesting and Useful, Journalist Says The podium discussion in Berlin last week, attended by Viktor Orbán, has helped to make the Hungarian position better understood... 2022.10.17.
Majority of Germans and Hungarians Question the Effectiveness of EU Sanctions According to a recent poll, the majority of Germans agree with Viktor Orbán’s assessment that the EU sanctions do more... 2022.10.13.
World Media Takes Notice of Viktor Orbán’s Remarks in Berlin Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Berlin has been widely reported in the German and international press. Some of... 2022.10.12.
Viktor Orbán Questions EU Sanctions in Berlin Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán heavily criticized the "disastrous" EU sanctions against Russia and called for an immediate ceasefire. „The... 2022.10.11.
German-Hungarian success story in danger, warns German business leader The joint German-Hungarian economic success story is in danger, the head of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, an... 2022.10.11.
Hungary Wants to Provide a Competitive Investment Environment The Hungarian government wants to create favorable conditions for foreign investment, according to the Foreign Minister. German business leaders spoke... 2022.10.11.
Viktor Orbán Seeks Common Ground with Germany "The foundations of bilateral cooperation cannot be destroyed by any political campaign or occasional disagreements on economic issues," said Hungarian... 2022.10.11.
Viktor Orbán Thinks the German Bailout is the Beginning of Cannibalism in the EU The opinion came as a reaction to the news that Germany has accepted a rescue package worth hundreds of billions... 2022.10.05.
NGOs Sue Belgian State over Closure of Nuclear Power Plants Several Belgian NGOs are taking the Belgian state and energy company Engie-Electrabel and transmission system operator Elia to court over... 2022.09.29.
0:1 – Hungarian Team Beats Dull Germany in Leipzig Hungary's national football team beat Germany by a single goal in the fifth round of the Nations League in Leipzig... 2022.09.24.
President Welcomes New Ambassadors Ambassadors of Hungary's important partners presented their letters of credence to President Katalin Novák on Wednesday. The President received Archbishop... 2022.09.15.
Closure of Last Two German Nuclear Power Plants Postponed To maintain security of energy supply, the last two nuclear power plants in Germany will be closed in April 2023... 2022.09.06.
Roland Tichy Urges Hungary to Build Up its Autonomy The founding editor of Tichys Einblick criticized Germany's energy policies and spoke about sensible decisions made by Central European governments.... 2022.08.04.
‘Stable Hungary-Germany Ties Key to Industry Development’ Stable ties between Hungary and Germany are key to the development of the Hungarian industry, the technology and industry minister... 2022.07.28.
OPINION – Hungary Only EU Country Resisting Germany’s Energy Bailout European commentators are starting to notice not only the fact that Hungary is the only EU member-state openly resisting the... 2022.07.28.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Must Not Be Exacerbated, State Secretary Dömötör Warns The energy crisis in Europe is not going to ease, so there is no need for proposals that would further... 2022.07.27.
Largest Hungarian Exhibition in German Museum Since Fall of Communism In autumn, an exhibition of works by Hungarian artists visiting and living in Berlin will open. Not since the fall... 2022.07.19.
Press Roundup: Weeklies on the Ukrainian War, Sanctions, and the EU Commentators disagree sharply on what should be done to bring about peace in Ukraine, as well as over the rights... 2022.07.12.