Migration Debate Between State Sec. Orbán, Pro-Migration Assoc. Leader Kováts, and Economist Caplan World-wide migration, the Hungarian government's migratory policies, communication and border protection, were all on the menu in a public debate... 2021.10.21.
Gov’t Says Experts Wrong, Budapest’s South Circle Railway Not Overpriced After experts labeled Budapest's partly-new South Circle railway project, to be built by Orbán-ally businessman Lőrinc Mészáros, "staggeringly overpriced," the... 2021.10.14.
Gov’t Official: Mass Migration Weakens EU Mass migration will make the European Union weaker, not stronger, Balázs Orbán, state secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, told... 2021.09.07.
Justice Min Varga Calls for ‘Smarter’ Europe Ahead of Annual Kötcse Picnic "More Europe" is not the answer to the European Union's crises in recent years, Justice Minister Judit Varga said on... 2021.09.04.
Following Criticism, Government Waters Down New Law on NGO Donations After the Fidesz-led government moved to ban any unnamed donations for civil organizations, it apparently toned down its original version... 2021.07.05.