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The recruitment drive resulted in a record number of applicants starting their training in the Hungarian Defense Forces in September: 506 recruits joined in two days. The “Man for Iron” campaign has attracted a lot of interest, and many people also opted for the Voluntary Military Service, reports Honvedelem.hu.
Most of them applied for the new Lynx battalion, built around the army’s planned Lynx KF40 infantry fighting vehicles (IFV). In the few days following the announcement of the program on August 11, the number of people registering via iranyasereg.hu increased. In addition, recruiters have promoted the Lynx Battalion and all the military training and service opportunities at numerous events across the country.
The recruiters were confident that the Hungarian Defense Forces’ “Lynx” IFV, one of the world’s most modern combat vehicles, and
the promised special gross monthly salary of HUF 737,000 (EUR 1,919) would attract the interest of the civilian population.
The result exceeded expectations: the “Man for Iron” campaign was over-subscribed and the mobilization had to be organized over two days.
Photo via honvedelem.hu/Schwanner Áron hadnagy
Most of the candidates passed the aptitude test.
On both days, there were those who, although not enlisted in the Lynx Battalion, had volunteered for the Hungarian Defense Forces Reserve because of their commitment.
Also, on September 11, almost 100 people enrolled for the uniform basic training that starts every month. Some applied for reserve service, others for contracted military service.
Photo via honvedelem.hu/Schwanner Áron hadnagy
The new recruits have also started their training in the newly established rifle battalion of the Klapka György 1st Armored Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces, based in Kaposvár (southern Hungary). This is particularly important, as there has been no combat unit in South Transdanubia for a long time.
This will allow people to meet more soldiers in this region in the future, to strengthen the relationship between the Hungarian Defense Forces and the population, and of course, to increase the defense of the southern regions.
More than 150 young people have also been recruited for the training of the Voluntary Military Service. The program was set up by the Hungarian Defense Forces primarily for those who would like to continue their studies but for some reason are forced to postpone their higher education. By completing the Voluntary Military Service program, the applicant gains 16, 32, or even 64 extra points for university admission.
As a Voluntary Operational Reserve, participants substitute contract or professional soldiers during their service. This means more serious and responsible tasks, and they can be called up to serve anywhere in the country. As a member of the Voluntary Area Defense Reserve, you will be a trained soldier, and will be called up to help the armed forces in your local area, if necessary.
Via honvedelem.hu, Featured image via honvedelem.hu/Schwanner Áron hadnagy