Significant Value Can Be Created from Carbon Pollution A Hungarian company developing new methods for capturing and using carbon dioxide was featured on former President János Áder's Blue... 2023.08.29.
Planet Budapest Coming with Interactive Community Programs There will be three main parts to this year's Planet Budapest 2023 sustainability expo and experience program, starting on September... 2023.08.29.
Factors Behind German Pensioners Moving Here in Increasing Numbers For several years now, an increasing number of German citizens have been moving to Hungary, with a high proportion of... 2023.08.29.
After Record-Breaking Heat, Storms and Cooler Weather Are Coming The heat record for the early morning on Saturday in Budapest was broken: the temperature on János Hill dropped to... 2023.08.28.
Health Funds Are Getting Increasingly Popular Inflation has boosted the attractiveness of health funds, with both membership and contributions rising dynamically. The new members are active... 2023.08.26.
Camp for High School Students Strengthening National Cohesion As it has always been true throughout Hungary's thousand-year history, the strength of the nation lies in unity, said the... 2023.08.24.
Increasing the Number of Crèche Places a Top Priority For the government, family policy is not just one issue among many, but should be the most important one, the... 2023.08.23.
Watch Out for High Temperatures: Heat Alert Issued Until Thursday The heat is intensifying, the days are getting increasingly hotter in Hungary, especially in the central and southern counties, with... 2023.08.23.
Scholarship Program for the Disadvantaged Continues with an Increased Budget The Útravaló scholarship program for Romani pupils will continue with an increased budget, with more than HUF 2.8 billion (EUR... 2023.08.22.
Tourism Boosted by National Holiday and World Athletics Championships The final of the men's 100 meter at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest Tourism is incredibly strong in Budapest... 2023.08.22.
“We Need Role Models,” Emphasizes President at Awards Ceremony A nation needs role models, emphasized President Katalin Novák on the national holiday, August 20, in Esztergom, at the presentation... 2023.08.21.
New Penalties for Speeding and Drink-Driving Still Too Lenient The new fines for drivers caught speeding or drink driving have just been published in the Hungarian Gazette. Although higher... 2023.08.17.
Suspects of Budapest Antifa Attacks Remain Behind Bars The suspects of the Antifa attacks in Budapest will remain behind bars for the time being after a court extended... 2023.08.17.
Our Very Own Károly Kocsis Receives Prestigious Prize Dr. Károly Kocsis Minister Antal Rogán, Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister, awarded the Elek Fényes Prize on the... 2023.08.17.
Success in Sustainable Water Management Waterscope Zrt., a Hungarian-owned company supporting sustainable water management was a guest on former President János Áder's Kék Bolygó (Blue... 2023.08.15.
Migrant Smuggler Drives into House Damaging Gas Pipe A human smuggler drove into a house wall in the center of Mórahalom in Csongrád-Csanád county, south Hungary, on Friday... 2023.08.14.
New Bike Lane in Budapest Causing Serious Problems for Paramedics The capital's administration has recently made important changes to the bike lanes on Üllői and Váci roads, some of Budapest's... 2023.08.14.
Free Drivers Licence to Come for High School Students The government plans to make it possible for secondary school students to obtain a category B driving license free of... 2023.08.11.
Europe’s Biggest Drug Bust in Sopron in Years The National Tax and Customs Administration has busted a drug shipment on an unprecedented scale, taking tens of billions of... 2023.08.11.
New COVID Variant on the Horizon According to Zsolt Boldogkői, Director of the Institute of Medical Biology at the University of Szeged, the new omicron variant,... 2023.08.10.
Papal Envoy and Helper of the Jews: Angelo Rotta Born 151 Years Ago Papal nuncio Angelo Rotta was born 151 years ago. He served as the Vatican's representative in Hungary for 15 years,... 2023.08.09.