Foreign Minister Slams Hawkish Attitude to Ukraine War The European Union is dominated by "an atmosphere of war," with the vast majority of member states in favor of... 2023.04.25.
Hungarian Special Forces Aiding Sudan Evacuation The Hungarian government is continuously working with other countries to evacuate its citizens from Sudan, a country that has been... 2023.04.24.
European Parliament Is Prolonging Migration Crisis, Says Hungarian MEP The European Parliament's (EP) position on illegal immigration is only prolonging the migration crisis, Balázs Hidvéghi, Fidesz MEP said on... 2023.04.24.
Justice Minister: “New era could begin in the European Parliament with a right-wing majority” With a right-wing majority in the European Parliament (EP), a new era could perhaps begin in the next term, Justice... 2023.04.24.
Viktor Orbán Attends Military Display with Serbia’s President Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks in Belgrade on Saturday with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The main topic of the... 2023.04.24.
Justice Minister Optimistic about EU Funds Hungary has so far fully implemented the commitments it made last August regarding the EU's conditionality procedure, Justice Minister Judit... 2023.04.21.
Fidesz MEP Refutes Criticism of Hungary’s Child Protection Act Tamás Deutsch, MEP of the Hungarian governing Fidesz party, did not let the criticism of the Hungarian Child Protection Act... 2023.04.21.
Foreign Minister Hails Success in Protecting National Competences The post-Cotonou agreement with the Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) will include a "negative list" of issues... 2023.04.20.
Czech Government’s Fall from Grace a Silver Lining for V4 Cooperation The Czech government's narrative about recent protest against curbs on the freedom of speech and the country's involvement in the... 2023.04.20.
Division into Blocs against the Interests of Western Civilization, PM’s Aide Warns The Western world cannot afford to be divided into blocs that are hostile to each other, the prime minister's political... 2023.04.20.
EU Failed to Cope with Migration, Fidesz MEP Warns "The European Union has failed to cope with the migration crisis. Eight years after the crisis, the European Parliament is... 2023.04.20.
President Novák Welcomes Slovenian Counterpart in Budapest We will cherish and further build the good relations between Slovenia and Hungary, said Hungarian President Katalin Novák at a... 2023.04.20.
Chinese-Hungarian Relations Reach a New Level Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in 2019 Hungary's "Opening to the East" strategy... 2023.04.19.
Hungarian MEPs Speak Up for National Minorities On Tuesday, the European Parliament plenary session adopted a report on institutional relations between the European Union and the Council... 2023.04.19.
Hungary Could Initiate the Birth of a New European Party Family Austrian MEP Harald Vilimsky spoke to Hungarian public media about the European Union's policy towards China, the war in Ukraine,... 2023.04.19.
Foreign Minister Explains Need for Ceasefire in BBC Interview The war in Ukraine has only losing sides, because in this war people are dying, so talking about winners is... 2023.04.19.
Conference: Visegrad Group Cooperation Driven by Common Interest A writing published on the Polish news portal Do Rzeczy sums up the contributions at the international conference entitled "EU... 2023.04.19.
Italian Hard-Left Leader Rejects “Hungarian Model” Just as Italy is facing an immigration crisis not seen since 2015, the leader of the Italian left wants to... 2023.04.19.
Double Taxation Agreement Concluded with Ethiopia Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó (L) and his Ethiopian counterpart Demeke Mekonnen Migration must not be managed, but stopped, and... 2023.04.19.
Visegrád States Support Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine The European affairs committees of the Visegrád Group - Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic - parliaments "strongly condemned"... 2023.04.18.
Manfred Weber Calls for Border Protection, Yet Unable to Create Consensus Walls should be built as a last resort, but if there is no other way to stop illegal immigration, we... 2023.04.18.