So far this year, seven officers have been injured.Continue reading
The time has come for the new European Union Parliament to be formed after the elections, review the failed migration policy of the past, and take decisive steps to stop the current extremely damaging and seriously dangerous processes, the prime minister’s chief advisor on homeland security told public television station M1.
György Bakondi remarked that there are currently many illegal immigrants on the other side of the southern border with Serbia. Their movement is controlled by criminal groups of human smugglers, between whom armed clashes have become increasingly frequent in recent times. There have been recent incidents in residential areas, including a hand grenade attack on a private house and an armed clash between smugglers in the center of the Serbian town Subotica (Szabadka), he said.
He noted that all routes to Europe are characterized by similar conditions: migrants are arriving in large numbers and are expected to continue to do so for years to come.
The EU’s approach to the situation is ideological, as there is no economic, social, or other reason to allow and even encourage the entry of masses of people with unknown identities, while they pose a serious threat to internal security at the point of arrival and transit,”
he argued.
Bakondi maintained that the Hungarian position, agreed with Austrian and Serbian leaders, to organize checks as far away from the border as possible, was the right one. Therefore, Hungarian police officers are on duty along the border with their Austrian and Serbian colleagues in northern Macedonia.
He pointed out that security is a prerequisite for economic development and social peace. One of its key elements is that only those who have been cleared and who enter the country legally, as decided by the authorities, should be allowed to do so. “At the same time, we must keep out of Hungary those who try to cross the border forcibly, with the help of criminals, for unknown purposes and with unknown identities,” he said.
Photo: Határvadász Facebook
The chief advisor also pointed out that
in southern border areas, groups of more than 50 people had attempted to cross in the last 24 hours, but there had been cases of 200 people trying to “overpower” the police forces opposing them on the Hungarian side in 19 places at the same time.
Speaking about the EU’s plan for migrant quotas, he recalled that the extra-judicial procedure, called for by the liberal majority in the European Parliament, was blocked by Poland, Hungary, Germany, and the Netherlands. The negotiations on the draft, which is unacceptable to Hungary in the form outlined so far, are therefore proceeding as usual.
Hungary does not support any kind of quota-based distribution, or the establishment of migrant camps, as these ideas would make the border surveillance activities that have been ongoing since 2015, and are supported by the vast majority of the population impossible, Bakondi stated.
Featured image: Facebook Jozef Cuper