Price Cap on Fuel: Proposals Sent to Gov’t to Save Gas Stations On Monday morning, representatives of gas stations and the government met for talks. Retailers tried to highlight the increasingly hopeless... 2022.02.21.
From Now On, All Gas Stations Lose Money on Fuel Sales "After Friday's renewed fuel price increases, there will be no more gas stations in Hungary whose purchase prices are lower... 2022.02.18.
Hundred of Gas Stations Across Hungary Already Restricting Gas Sales Due to Price Cap About a hundred gas stations across Hungary have already limited the amount of fuel they sell, news site Népszava learned... 2022.02.17.
Some Gas Stations Only Allow 10 Liters of Fuel per Customer As many as one in two businesses in Hungary could close their gas stations after the government extended the gasoline... 2022.02.15.
Fuel Price Cap: Volume Restrictions and Gas Station Closures Expected? On Sunday, a government decree was published extending the price cap on fuels for another three months until May 15,... 2022.02.14.
Petrol Tourism Thrives in Hungary after Gov’t Introduction of Fuel Price Cap Cheaper fuel prices are pushing more and more motorists from Slovakia to top up their tanks in neighboring countries, especially... 2022.02.10.
Three Gas Stations Closed Due to Maximized Fuel Prices According to the fuel price comparison site, three gas stations were closed last week because of the maximized price.... 2022.02.07.
Wholesale Fuel Prices Continue to Rise, Smaller Petrol Stations Fighting for Survival Wholesale prices of petrol and diesel will continue to rise on Friday. For petrol, this means a gross increase of... 2022.02.04.
Price Cap Has Had No Major Impact on Fuel Consumption The official maximum price for gasoline and diesel introduced on November 15, 2021, has not significantly boosted fuel consumption. The... 2022.01.13.
MOL Acquires Lotos Petrol Stations in Poland Hungarian oil and gas company MOL on Wednesday said it signed agreements with PKN Orlen and Grupa Lotos on the... 2022.01.13.
Decree on Fuel Price Freezing: No Loopholes, Tough Sanctions for Station Operators Trying to avoid running a business at a loss by suspending services and cutting opening hours has been made virtually... 2021.11.15.
Opposition Urges Intervention as Petrol Prices Sky-rocket Petrol prices are breaking records virtually from week to week, recently surpassing the HUF 500 limit. Naturally, the high costs... 2021.10.27.