Domestic Households Pay the Lowest Energy Prices in Europe In the interest of Hungarian families, the government will maintain the reduction of utility bills up to the average consumption... 2023.10.27.
Mandatory Bottle Return System to be Introduced Next Year From January 1, 2024, the mandatory bottle return system will start in Hungary. The government's aim is to enable Hungary... 2023.10.06.
Introduction of Ambitious Energy Plan Worth HUF 7,000 billion The era of cheap energy is over, therefore the government has developed a grandiose long-term plan worth HUF 7,000 billion... 2023.09.15.
Stronger Cooperation with Nuclear Industry Giant Framatome The government is expanding and improving its existing relations with a key company in the nuclear industry. The expertise of... 2023.09.14.
90% of Gas Storage Facilities Are Full Government measures and continuous storage since April have resulted in the Hungarian gas storage capacity having exceeded 90 percent. Adequate... 2023.08.29.
Hungary’s Energy Sovereignty on the Right Track According to the Ministry of Energy, the Hungarian storage capacities that improve the flexibility of the electricity system may increase... 2023.06.23.
Share of Solar Energy in the Grid Sixth Highest in the World At the inauguration ceremony of the Fehér-tó substation (southern Hungary, near Szeged) of the Hungarian electricity company, MVM Démász Áramhálózati... 2023.05.16.