Defense Spending to Guarantee Robust Military Development The Hungarian government will spend HUF 1,752.3 billion (EUR 4.2 billion) on defense in the 2025 budget. As a result,... 2025.01.14.
High-tech Combat Vehicles Arrive at the Armored Brigade in Tata New high-tech combat vehicles have been added to the fleet of the armored brigade in Tata (northwestern Hungary), further increasing... 2024.11.04.
New Military Cyberspace Command Inaugurated The Military National Security Service (Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat) works for the Hungarian people and ensures their security even in the face... 2023.10.03.
Defense Industry Production to Start in Kaposvár Forty Gidran armoured tactical vehicles produced in Turkey will be equipped with radio and electro-technical devices in Kaposvár, and parts... 2022.03.20.
Orbán: NATO Will Only Protect Hungary “if We Are Ready to Protect Ourselves” Hungary must look at the war in Ukraine in light of its own interests, as its topmost priority is the... 2022.03.04.
Defence Minister: Continuation of Hungary’s Military Development Scheme Top Priority Defence Minister Tibor Benkő, in a keynote speech on Tuesday, highlighted the continuation of Hungary's military development scheme as his... 2022.02.23.
Orbán Meeting Bolsonaro: Hungary and Brazil in “Coalition of the Sober” Hungary has a vested interest in close cooperation with Brazil, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after talks with Brazilian President... 2022.02.17.