Hungarian Wines on Their Way to Conquer the World Hungarian wine exports have increased in 2024, Pál Rókusfalvy, the government commissioner for national wine marketing, said at the 13th... 2025.03.03.
Special Event to Celebrate the Unique Local Wines of Somló For the ninth time, a large-scale event will be held in Somló to showcase the Juhfark, a native Carpathian Basin... 2024.10.10.
Hungarian Wine Selling Well on the International Market In the first seven months of this year, Hungary imported almost a third more wine than a year earlier. However,... 2024.09.16.
Good Vintage Expected despite the Early Harvest This year saw a record early harvest due to the fact that the grapes received the necessary amount of heat... 2024.08.06.
Famous Tokaj Wine Cheaper Abroad than Back Home In the first two months of this year, the average selling price of wines produced and sold domestically rose by... 2024.05.21.
Over One Hundred International Experts at the April Hungarian Wine Summit Over a hundred foreign experts will get to know domestic wines at this year's Hungarian Wine Summit, an international professional... 2024.03.28.
Balaton Region Producers Triumph at the Prestigious Wine Grand Prix The 2022 Sóskút Welschriesling from Figula Winery in Balatonfüred (northern shore of Lake Balaton) won the 2023 Hungarian Wine Grand... 2024.01.07.
Hungarian Wine Promoted at Budapest’s Christmas Fairs The Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency will promote Hungarian wines at Christmas fairs in the capital for six weeks, writes Magyar... 2023.11.20.
Grape Harvest Traditions Still Honored in Many Places The grape harvest is in full swing, as everywhere in the country there are harvest festivals and crowds of people... 2023.09.18.
Great Achievements in Quality Sparkling Wine Production Compared to a decade or two ago, Hungary has made great strides in the production of quality sparkling wine, the... 2023.09.02.
Hungarian Vineyards among the World’s Best The UK's World's Best Vineyards list showcases the very best of wine tourism, highlighting the world's most beautiful and diverse... 2023.07.19.
Increasing Demand for Hungarian Wine Lidl Hungary sold 14.2 billion forints (38 million euros) worth of Hungarian wine in Hungary and abroad, with sales up... 2023.04.28.