Agriculture Minister: Ban on Ukrainian Cereals Imports Must Be Maintained The exceptional measure banning the import of grain from Ukraine to neighboring Member States should be maintained, Agriculture Minister István... 2023.09.13.
GMO-Free Farming Remains Top Priority Twenty years ago, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, regulating the transfer of genetically modified... 2023.09.12.
Hungary Could Be a Major Player in European Tomato Processing Industrial tomato farmers are expecting another good harvest this year. The success of the sector in recent years is illustrated... 2023.09.07.
Plenty of Fields Offer Opportunities for Cooperation with Uzbekistan The capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Agricultural relations between Hungary and Uzbekistan are continuously strengthening, said Agriculture Minister István Nagy, who... 2023.09.07.
No Shortage of Hungarians’ Favorite Schnapps This Year Plum yields are expected to vary widely across the country this year, with poor harvest expected in the counties of... 2023.08.18.
Visegrád Four Agriculture Chambers Agree on Preserving Rural Values Together with the Visegrad Four countries' agricultural organizations, the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture also supports the European Citizens' Initiative for... 2023.08.17.
Agriculture Can Be the Savior of Economy Although last year's high base caused GDP to fall on an annual basis, on a quarterly basis it is now... 2023.08.15.
Farmers Can Claim EU Compensation for Ukrainian Grain Imports in Autumn Farmers can apply for EU compensation for Ukrainian grain imports in the autumn, announced Agriculture Minister István Nagy in a... 2023.08.07.
Ukrainian Grain Should Reach Famine-Struck Areas First Hungary will protect the interests of Hungarian farmers by any means and at any cost, even if the European Union... 2023.07.26.
Unique in Quality and Taste: Hungarian Sour Cherries Are Outstanding The quality of Hungarian sour cherries is outstanding, and Hungary remains one of the European Union's leading producers of this... 2023.07.18.
Ministry Continues to Insist on GMO-Free Agriculture Hungary's strategy remains unchanged and the country will continue to adhere to the GMO-free status of Hungarian agriculture, the Ministry... 2023.07.16.
EU Refuses to Recognize Problem of Ukrainian Grain Dumping The European Commission sees but does not want to recognize the serious problems it has caused to farmers in Central... 2023.07.12.
Government Focuses on Preserving the Rural Way of Life Agriculture Minister István Nagy (R) visiting a Farmers' Market in Pécs. The Hungarian government is focusing on preserving the rural... 2023.07.10.
Government Sends Sizeable Aid to Bosnian Farmers Péter Szijjártó, Foreign Minister (L) and Milorad Dodik, President of the Republika Srpska (R) Hungary is launching a new HUF... 2023.07.06.
Austrian-Hungarian Agricultural Relations Must be Further Strengthened Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stressed that we must adopt Austrian consumer awareness, and we can also look to Austria... 2023.06.30.
Hungarian Proposal Calling for Stricter Labeling of Honey Origin Minister of Agriculture István Nagy has urged on several occasions in recent years to revise the EU directive on honey... 2023.06.29.
Modern Agriculture Offers Attractive Opportunities for Young Adults Hungary can stand out in the agricultural sector by offering premium or value-added products, which can make the future attractive... 2023.06.20.
Hungarian Sparkling Wines Are Back in the European Limelight Minister of Agriculture István Nagy attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Kreinbacher Birtok sparkling wine factory in Somlóvásárhely, western... 2023.06.19.
Turkey Is Key in Addressing the Problem of Ukrainian Grain Imports Turkey is a key player in solving the market difficulties caused by Ukrainian grain imports, therefore Hungary is asking Ankara... 2023.06.16.
Technological Developments Planned in Dairy Industry Around two thirds of dairy producers and processors are planning investments in the next two to three years, with the... 2023.06.15.
New Opportunities for Hungarian Food Producers in Transylvania Eleven Hungarian food producers who introduced themselves to buyers and distributors of relevant food chains in Szeklerland (Székelyföld) during a... 2023.06.12.