The alliance would raise 100 billion dollars over five years, meaning that they expect the war to continue for a long time, he warned.Continue reading
The government met on Wednesday and reviewed the issues related to the visit of the Chinese President, the war, and the economic situation, government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos said at the government briefing. The meeting’s conclusions were presented by Gergely Gulyás, the minister responsible for the Prime Minister’s office.
At yesterday’s cabinet meeting, the war situation was also assessed, which has become more serious as new details emerge about NATO plans that threaten direct intervention in the Ukraine war, Magyar Nemzet quotes the Minister as saying.
The NATO proposal mentions the coordination of arms deliveries and training, as well as five-year funding of USD 100 billion, suggesting that the allies expect the war to drag on for years, the politician said. He added that Hungary is under enormous pressure to support these NATO plans. “We will do everything we can to avoid sending Hungarian soldiers and weapons from Hungary to Ukraine,” Gulyás underlined. “We are talking about 800,000 casualties on the front line, compared to that the front line has hardly changed,” he added.
The government is working to prevent NATO from intervening in the conflict, but if it does happen, they want Hungary to stay out of it. He said that NATO’s forces should be strengthened to guarantee peace. The Minister announced that there will be further important talks in the coming days and weeks.
The defense and foreign ministers will provide information on developments.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited Viktor Orbán to the peace summit in Switzerland, Gergely Gulyás informed the media. As he said, participation should be considered, but if the warring parties are not there, there is little point in the meeting. “And Russia has not been invited,” he recalled, adding:
They also have to declare peace, but no substantive steps can be taken until the parties sit down at the negotiating table.”
On Ukraine’s accession to the EU and the curtailment of the rights of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, the Minister noted that Member States are constantly being told that Kiev, contrary to what they have said, has not restored the minority rights of Hungarians living there before 2015. Without this, Ukraine’s accession to the European Union is not permissible, he underlined.
The presidential visit shows the growing importance of Hungary, Gulyás assessed the Chinese President’s visit to Budapest. “The economic significance of the visit is paramount.
It is important to see that while in 2005, less than a fifth of the European Union’s GDP was Chinese, today China is overtaking the EU. This says a lot about Europe,”
he pointed out.
While 15 out of the 500 largest companies in the world in 2004 were Chinese, according to a major global business newspaper, today more than 130 are Chinese,” he added. He noted that this indicates that China is one of the world’s leading powers. “It is in our interest to have more Chinese companies come to our country, we are interested in beneficial business in many areas, for instance, where they provide high technology to the world,” Gulyás indicated. He added that there are German, American, and Korean investments in Hungary, but Chinese economic cooperation also strengthens the Hungarian economy, “and we want to strengthen this at the meeting.”
Regarding the Chinese President’s program, Gulyás stated that Xi Jinping met the Hungarian President in the morning and then has lunch with the Prime Minister.
At 5.30 p.m., they will publish a press statement, followed by a formal dinner.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured image: MTI/Balogh Zoltán