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President Honors Our Nobel Prize Winners with the Corvin Chain

Hungary Today 2024.06.18.
Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz embrace after the ceremony

President Tamás Sulyok awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain of Honor to two world-renowned Hungarian scientists, Prof. Dr. Katalin Karikó, biochemist, and Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz, physicist, who were awarded the Nobel Prize for their scientific work in 2023, at a ceremony held in the Sándor Palace.

In his welcome speech, President Tamás Sulyok, said: Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz will be awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain in recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements, the first time that two Nobel Prize winners have joined the Board at the same time. He stressed that

both of them were the heroes of the past year, bringing worldwide recognition to Hungary”.

Their ground-breaking discoveries have not only enriched the scientific community, but also brought national pride and glory to their country.

Prof. Dr. Katalin Karikó, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, research biologist, professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Szeged, was awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain in recognition of her unique scientific achievements, pioneering discovery of the medical technology of synthetic mRNA-based vaccines, her significant contribution towards strengthening and promotion of Hungarian science.

Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz is a Nobel Prize and Wolf Prize-winning physicist, was awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain in recognition of his outstanding research and scientific work, his discoveries and pioneering research results that laid the foundations for attosecond physics.

At the ceremony, Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz expressed their gratitude and said how honored they were to be members of the Hungarian Corvin Chain Board, which brings together the country’s greatest personalities. They also expressed their commitment to use all their knowledge and experience to help and inspire future researchers and to support science and university education in Hungary.

Prof. Dr. E. Syilvester Vizi, President of the Hungarian Corvin Chain Board, congratulated the recipients and expressed his pleasure that the Board has gained two world-renowned scientists, who are role models for young Hungarian scientists and researchers alike. He added that the two new members of the Hungarian Corvin Chain Board prove that the Hungarian intellectual elite can perform at world-class level and that Hungarians have a lot to offer to the world. He stressed that the Hungarian Corvin Chain Corp, a society of the best of Hungarian science, culture and arts, has been further strengthened and enriched by the two outstanding scientists. Katalin Karikó’s discovery saved the lives of millions of people, and physicist Ferenc Krausz opened up unforeseen opportunities in science.

Photo: Corvin Lánc Testület

The number of recipients of the Hungarian Corvin Chain may not exceed fifteen at any one time. The last time the award was presented was in 2018, and since then the Hungarian Corvin Chain Board has had 12 members, which has increased to 14 as of today.


Unique Laser Laboratory Inaugurated at Ferenc Krausz's Research Center
Unique Laser Laboratory Inaugurated at Ferenc Krausz's Research Center

The aim is to develop a cost-effective testing method that will enable the early detection of diseases.Continue reading

Via Corvin Lánc Testület; Featured Photo: Facebook Tamás Sulyok

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