According to Fidesz and its allies, left-liberal MEPs are frustrated because Hungary is on track to receive its EU funds.Continue reading
Six out of ten Hungarians would like Brussels to stop withholding the European funds that are due to Hungary, according to a survey by the Nézőpont Institute, a pro-government think-tank. One in three opposition voters, and even a majority of young people, think Hungary should get the money that has been withheld for two years, Hungarian news site Origo reports.
The Nézőpont Institute conducted a representative survey with 1,000 Hungarians participants to find out how they feel about the withholding of EU funds. The Hungarian government is constantly negotiating with the European Union in order to reach an agreement on the funds. The government has taken a number of steps to meet the European Commission’s conditions, such as setting up the Integrity Authority and tightening up the asset declaration system. However, the expected funds have still not arrived in Hungary, which the country and its economy desperately need.
The institute asked people whether they agree with the “European Union withholding financial aid to Hungary.” The vast majority of respondents, 59 percent, said no, and only 33 percent said they agreed with the Brussels procedure.
Of particular interest, the pro-government think-tank also asked opposition voters who were divided on the issue.
While opposition parties typically support financial sanctions against Hungary, the survey found that 31 percent of opposition voters oppose withholding EU funds.
Even among 18-29 year old citizens, who are generally considered critical of the government, and those with higher education, 50 percent of respondents oppose further withholding of EU funds. Overall, there is no group in Hungarian society where an absolute majority would agree that in the current situation Hungary should not have access to EU funds.
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