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Hungary’s President Katalin Novák addressed the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. According to the head of state, countries in the UN “should not stand for winning any war,” but “stand for restoring peace.”
“Globally, conflict and violence are on the rise,” Hungarian President Katalin Novák warned in her speech at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, adding that “the UN has warned that peace is more under threat around the world than it has been since World War II.”
Katalin Novák emphasized that “Russia’s war against Ukraine is a constant threat and security risk not only for the Ukrainian citizens living in the war zone, but also for all of us. The threat of escalation is a reason for worry and action.”
She stressed that “Hungary firmly condemns Russia’s aggression against Ukraine,” and recalled that “since the beginning of this conflict, Hungarians have stood with the victims.”
“Hungary is currently implementing the largest humanitarian operation in its recent history,” the President pointed out.
“War is evil and leads nowhere. A war only has victims, and the ones with the greatest losses are families: mothers and fathers who lose their children in the battlefield, wives who lose their husbands in the fighting, children who lose their brothers, sisters in the hell of war,” Novák said, and called for “the investigation of war crimes committed against innocent civilians.”
According to the Hungarian President, the countries in the UN “should not stand for winning any war,” but “stand for restoring peace.” “Hungary urges fellow member states to declare peace as a top priority in the present conflict between Russia and Ukraine,” she added.
“Most of us came to the Assembly from London. We attended Elizabeth II’s funeral together and bowed at her coffin. We bade farewell to an exceptional monarch whose life was steeped in service to peace. We owe it to the people and to her memory to make our decisions in the same spirit,” the President remarked.
Quoting Winston Churchill, she concluded:
“Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace, and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war.”
“Let us make a good peace,” Novák said to the international community.
Novák also met Csaba Kőrösi, the current President of the UN General Assembly, who is the first Hungarian in forty years to serve in this position.
Featured photo via Facebook/Novák Katalin