The World Athletics Championships will be held in Hungary next August.Continue reading
The 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest can become the best World Championships of all time if everyone performs at more than 100 percent, the CEO of the event’s organizer said on Saturday in Budapest on the general training day of the volunteer program. Balázs Németh stressed that more than 2,000 athletes from over 200 countries and 3,500 journalists are expected to participate in the world’s biggest sporting event in 2023.
The 2,500 volunteers who have registered for the World Championship’s volunteer program will help to guide the guests, he added. He said the championships, which will be held under the motto “See the Wonder,” will run from August 19 to 27, with 14 competition programs over nine days, and five days of road running and walking races. In this context, he expressed the hope that seeing the capital will make many people fall in love with Budapest and Hungary.
He also said that the 35,000-seat National Athletics Center will be built on the site of a “run-down, poisoned” industrial site, and that the capital will also have a new green park, which will be good for Budapest as well as for Hungary.
Ádám Schmidt, the government commissioner responsible for organizing the World Championships, stressed that in addition to the participating athletes, sports officials, and journalists, some 400,000 visitors are expected to come to the National Athletics Center and one billion viewers are expected watch the games on television.
This is also a huge responsibility for the volunteers, as they are the first people the guests meet and every smile and kind gesture can make a big difference.
“Let’s do our utmost to make Budapest the best World Athletics Championships ever! Let’s crown the Queen of Sports together!”, said the government commissioner.
The President of the Hungarian Athletics Federation, Miklós Gyulai, stressed that this is the only event in the history of athletics that has not yet taken place in Hungary. He pointed out that many guests from different cultures would be coming to Hungary in August, adding that it is mainly up to the volunteers to decide what kind of experiences they will leave with.
Featured photo via MTI/Illyés Tibor