The wild cat is found exclusively in Africa, especially in Tanzania, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. And now also in Borsodnádasd, where a man filmed it in his yard.Continue reading
The serval, which was sighted last week in the Bükk Hills of northern Hungary and subsequently captured, died from the coronavirus on Friday, according to an autopsy.
This article was originally posted on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
The African serval, which was sighted last week in the Bükk Hills in northern Hungary and then captured, died from the coronavirus on Friday. This was determined by the autopsy, performed on the same day on the wild cat.
According to the Budapest Zoo, the animal’s body was so weakened after spending days in the cold forest that its immune system could no longer fight the disease, so veterinarians could not save its life.
Servals are found exclusively in Africa, especially in Tanzania, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. Since the wild animal behaved tamely, it can be assumed that it escaped from its owner.
Other animals in the zoo are not endangered by this case, because all professionals who took care of the animal have been immunized, and moreover, were also tested.
Source: 24.hu
Featured image via Zoo Budapest