The Central Statistical Office reveals average salaries for August.Continue reading
Consumer prices increased by an average of 12.2 percent in September compared to the same month of the previous year, with the price of vehicle fuel rising significantly and food prices falling compared to August. Consumer prices rose by 0.4 percent on average over a month, with food 0.2 percent cheaper, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Tuesday.
Over the coursd of a year, food prices rose by 15.2 percent, with sugar (61.3 percent), chocolate and cocoa (26.1 percent), buffet goods (26 percent), and non-alcoholic beverages (24 percent) the most expensive. Within the product group, the price of flour fell by 13.9 percent and margarine by 1.2 percent.
Household energy costs 14.6 percent less, including 33.5 percent less for piped gas, 3.2 percent less for electricity, 18.7 percent more for firewood, and 9.7 percent more for cylinder gas.
The report highlighted that the price of vehicle fuels increased by 35.4%. Services rose by 13.6 percent, including 22.2 percent more for motorway use, car rental and parking, 20.2 percent more for holiday services, 17.5 percent more for sports and museum admissions, 16.9 percent more for vehicle repair and maintenance, and 21.7 percent less for travel to work and school. The price of alcoholic beverages increased by 15.5 percent and tobacco by 10.1 percent.
The price of durable consumer goods increased by 1.5 percent, including 9.8 percent for kitchen and other furniture, 7.7 percent for heating and cooking equipment, 7 percent for new cars, 4.1 percent for household furniture, and 8.5 percent for used cars. Pet food was 30.6% higher, washing and cleaning products 25.6%, personal care 13%, and household repair and maintenance 6.4%.
Compared with August of this year, consumer prices rose by 0.4% on average. Food prices declined by 0.2 percent on average, including 3.4 percent for flour, 3.0 percent for seasonal food (potatoes, fresh vegetables, fresh domestic and tropical fruit combined), and 2.0 percent for sugar. Dry pasta decreased from 6 to 2.6, eggs 2.0, margarine 1.8, dairy products 1.7, milk 1.5 percent less, soft drinks 2.4, fruit and vegetable juice 0.9, pork 0.8 percent more.
Vehicle fuel prices rose by 3.3 percent. Clothing was 1.8 percent more expensive, household energy 1.0 percent, firewood 7.7 percent more expensive and piped gas remained unchanged, the KSH reported.
Via: MTI; Featured photo: Pixabay