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Wizz Air to Launch Direct Flights between Budapest and Mumbai

MTI-Hungary Today 2025.03.18.
Mumbai, India

Wizz Air will launch direct flights between Budapest and Mumbai this year, operating every day of the week, and will soon be followed by a connection between the Hungarian and the Indian capitals, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on Tuesday.

Following talks with several ministers of the Indian government in New Delhi, the minister said that bilateral trade and economic cooperation has brought many benefits to Hungary, but one important obstacle has not yet been overcome: the lack of direct flight connections. He therefore welcomed the fact that this time, all existing agreements have been concluded to allow Wizz Air to launch direct flights between Budapest and Mumbai seven days a week this year.

The world’s most populous country, one of the fastest growing countries in the world, will now be directly accessible from Hungary in a few months’ time,”

he said.

New Delhi. Photo: Pixabay

“We are now in talks to have flights between New Delhi and Budapest, too. This will require an amendment to our bilateral aviation agreement. Today we have taken the first step in this direction,” he added. He stressed that direct non-stop connections will give a huge boost to business, studying, diplomatic and tourism ties.

Mr. Szijjártó said that the two governments are pursuing a patriotic policy that puts national interest first, and as a result, excellent cooperation has been established between the two countries on the basis of mutual respect, bringing great economic benefits.

“The largest Indian companies are making a series of modern investments. They employ tens of thousands of workers in Hungary.

And now they are increasingly moving from manufacturing to research and development, bringing their investments in research and development of cutting-edge technologies to Hungary and creating jobs for Hungarian researchers and engineers,”

he said.

He pointed out that bilateral trade will set a new record this year with around one and a half billion dollars, with an increasing number of Hungarian companies finding their place on India’s market. He cited energy drink producer Hell as an example, for which the South Asian country is already the second most important export market. He also underlined that BHE Bonn Hungary has been supplying components for all major defense and space developments to India for twenty-five years, while several domestic companies have also become market leaders in certain segments of the healthcare industry.

Direct Flights to Japan Could Soon Become a Reality
Direct Flights to Japan Could Soon Become a Reality

Hungary is participating in the 2025 Osaka World Expo, which is in the national economic interest.Continue reading

Via MTI, Featured image: Pixabay

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