With an expected increase in the influx of refugees from Ukraine next week, Hungary must strengthen its border crossing point with Romania at Csengersima, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Facebook on Wednesday night.
The prime minister is staying on the Hungary-Ukraine border for three days to organise preparations for a new wave of refugees.
Hungary will deploy more personnel to the Csengersima border crossing, Orbán said, noting that already thousands of Ukrainian refugees were arriving there via Romania daily.
Cross-border traffic at Csengersima is running smoothly, with police “making strenuous efforts” and the Hungarian Red Cross providing help to those with children, Orbán said.
If the border crossing is strengthened “we will be able to work just as efficiently next week”, he added.
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On Thursday morning, the prime minister handed over documents granting temporary residency to a refugee family arriving from Ukraine, according to a video posted on his Facebook page. The family with two children is making preparations to travel on to Italy.
featured image: Orbán at the border; via MTI/PM’s Press Office/ Zoltán Fischer