According to the newspaper, the Hungarian Prime Minister has achieved the lowest prices in Europe, despite criticism.Continue reading
Three weeks ago an MP for the left-wing student movement Momentum demanded during a parliamentary session that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán should reveal the amount he pays for his domestic bills.
Clearly Dávid Bedő’s goal was to embarrass the head the government with revelations of a lower than average bill, but the prime minister only jokingly replied by saying that
My wife will give you a reply in writing.
As it turns out, this was not meant to be a joke at all, as the young liberal MP has just received his reply in the post.
The letter reads as – “Dear Member of Parliament! I am sending it here. In November 2021, bills for our house in Budapest cost 55,190 HUF (EUR 135), in November 2022 178,598 HUF (EUR 440), and my house in Felcsút cost 47,756 HUF (EUR 118) in November 2021 and 121,973 HUF (EUR 300) in November 2022.”
Facebook David Bedő
Rather than politely thanking for the prompt reply, in his reaction the Momentum politician called Viktor Orbán a liar and complained that the prime minister pays more for his utilities than a beginner teacher’s salary, although this applies only for the sum total of two properties.
Featured Photo: Facebook Viktor Orbán