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Viktor Orbán Discusses War and European Relations in an Interview

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.06.06.

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized the importance of preventing the Russian-Ukrainian war from spreading.

Regarding the EP elections, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of distinguishing between pro-war and pro-peace MEPs, indicating his willingness to work with left-wingers if they are pro-peace, that is, if they champion peace negotiations instead of arming Ukraine. He stressed the importance of resisting moves towards armed intervention outside NATO territory and maintaining institutions and politicians that support peace and competitiveness.

Viktor Orbán dismissed the idea of restoring conscription in Hungary, relying instead on NATO for collective defense.

He criticized the concept of a European army, stating that “the responsibility for ‘Hungarian blood’ could not be transferred to any empire.” Mr. Orbán also addressed historical grievances and current issues with Germany, advocating for European military cooperation and coordinated military industrial development on a national basis.

He criticized Ursula von der Leyen’s role as President of the European Commission, calling for a return of governance rights to the Council of Heads of State and Government and the abolition of the current European Parliament.

We need a Commission President who knows that we are her employers,” Mr. Orbán said, stressing the need for the Commission to return to an executive role.

On the topic of NATO’s future leadership, he stated Hungary’s support for Romania’s candidate over Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, citing past grievances and the need for a clear stance on Hungary’s non-participation in NATO operations against Russia in Ukraine. He emphasized maintaining good relations with both the United States and China and criticized covert cooperation with Russia by Western European countries, asserting Hungary’s transparency in its national interest-based actions.

Regarding the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, Orbán expressed his intent to visit Fico and convey the Hungarian people’s good wishes.

The Prime Minister acknowledged the stagnation in demographic indicators but stressed that the government does not want a “migrant-based demographic policy” and aims to resolve demographic issues within a national, Christian cultural framework. He highlighted the need for significant economic measures to boost demographics while cautioning that increased defense spending due to war could impact family support.

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Via MTI; Featured Image: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Benko Vivien Cher

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