Today, virtually every modern European army is renewing its fleet of troop transport and infantry fighting vehicles.Continue reading
Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky published a video of the Lynx KF41 during a mission on his social media page.
“The Lynx is an essential part of our deterrent forces,” Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky wrote under a video published on his social media page. The minister added that these combat vehicles know no obstacles and guarantee that the Hungarian army is always one step ahead. “It is no wonder that there is great interest in them,” said Szalay-Bobrovniczky.
“At the beginning of March, another Lynx KF41 infantry fighting vehicle from the factory in Germany arrived in Hódmezővásárhely (southern Hungary near Szeged) at the 30th Kinizsi Pál Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces.
More and more countries are interested in these vehicles and are buying them, and our country is not only a customer but also a manufacturer of this combat vehicle,”
wrote the politician.
The situational awareness of the Hungarian Lynx infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is enhanced by a range of modern technologies, including automatic target detection and tracking, as well as a 360-degree situational awareness system consisting of thermal and electro-optical cameras.
It also has a 360-degree laser warning system and an acoustic shot detection system, all of which feed into a central computer.
The vehicle can reach 75 km/h on a paved road and 70 km/h off-road – both of which have been proven in practice, said the brigadier general. He added that driving the vehicle and learning how to use it was easy and that the Hungarian soldiers had not found the adaptation too difficult.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
The front and sides of the vehicle are protected against 25 mm ammunition and the rear against 14.5 mm heavy machine guns. There are also plans to equip the vehicle with the StrikeShield system that offers active and passive protection at the same time. The turret of the Lance 2 carries a 30 mm MK30-2 cannon with 116 programmable projectiles, or it can be equipped with 115 kinetic energy projectiles and anti-tank ammunition.
Via Ungarn Heute, calibredefence.co.uk; Featured picture: Honvedelem.hu