State secretary Rétvári said the war in Ukraine and global economic difficulties pointed to increasing migration pressure, and the armed forces, including the new “border hunter” unit, would have a key role in managing this.Continue reading
Last year, the gap between regional and national salaries narrowed again. Wages in the Hungarian manufacturing sector are now higher than in Poland or Slovakia, Világgazdaság (VG.hu) reports.
The average salary is €1,538 (CZK 37,839) in the Czech Republic, €1,095 (HUF 438,800) in Hungary, €1,189 (PLN 5,662) in Poland, and €1,185 in Slovakia, putting Hungary third among the V4 countries. Wages in Hungary grew fastest in the region last year after Poland, according to data from the statistical offices of the V4 countries. While average gross wages rose by 8.7 percent in Hungary in 2021, national average wages increased by 9.6 percent in Poland, 6.9 percent in Slovakia, and 6.1 percent in the Czech Republic.
Earnings growth in Hungary last year was slightly slower than in previous years, but the catching-up process continued, driven mainly by public sector wage increases and year-end fringe benefits. This is the reason why average gross wages were close to €1,240 in December.
This is not a purely Hungarian phenomenon: for several years, all the Visegrad countries have seen wage growth in November and December well above the annual rate. In Poland, the average wage for companies in the last month of the year was €1,300, which is not much higher than the comparable Hungarian figure, while in Hungary the average for companies was €107,150. In Slovakia, salaries jumped a month earlier in November, especially in industry, with an average wage of €1,563. In the Czech Republic, the average salary in the fourth quarter of last year was €1,640. (However, detailed figures will only be published later by the country’s statistical office).
Information and communication is the highest paid sector among all branches of the economy. In Poland, this field could earn almost €2,110 in 2021, and in Hungary the least, €1,830. At the same time, notwithstanding the increasing activity in manufacturing, Hungary had the highest earnings in the manufacturing sector of the three countries, with an average wage of €1,150, as measured by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), followed by Slovakia with €1,120 and Poland with €1,110.
However, there are much larger differences in construction wages between the V4. While in Poland the average wage in the sector exceeds the average wage of €1,220, in Hungary, it is less than €880, and in our northern neighbor, it is even less than in Hungary, where it was €818 last year, not even €755.
On the other hand, wages in the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning sectors are highest in Slovakia (€1,780), but almost the same in Hungary (€1,705) and Poland (€1,702). In transport and storage, there is practically no difference between the three countries, Slovakia (€980), Hungary (€988), and Poland (€999).
In addition, here are the average teacher salaries in the region (according to Ma7.sk):
And these are the average salary for nurses, (according to Ma7.sk):
Featured image: illustration via Pixabay