"Our position has remained the same, while the position of others has changed in line with ours," President Sulyok said.Continue reading
The agricultural chambers of the Visegrad 4+ countries agreed on a joint action at their latest meeting in Falenty, Poland, the Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) revealed on Tuesday.
According to the statement, the event between February 10-11 was attended by representatives of the Polish National Council of Agricultural Chambers, the Czech Agrarian Chamber, the Slovak Agriculture and Food Chamber, the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), and the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture. Hungary was represented by Zsolt Papp, President of NAK, and András Cseh, Vice President.
NAK stated that the agricultural chambers of the V4+ countries discussed the priorities of the Polish EU presidency. They focused on food security and the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2027. The simplification of CAP procedures and the strengthening of the position of farmers in the food supply chain were also high priority topics. The representatives of the agricultural chambers stated that
the main focus of the EU’s agricultural policy reform should be on ensuring food of appropriate quality.
Maintaining a strong CAP budget, with an expanded crisis reserve for extreme weather events, is crucial for the future of EU agriculture. According to the participants, environmental measures should not be financed at the expense of farmers’ subsidies. The representatives of the V4+ agricultural chambers feel optimistic about the changes in the EU’s agricultural policy.
They hope that the European Commission will soon present an action plan that takes into account the legitimate expectations of farmers and provides protection against food of uncertain origin from third countries.
If the European Commission were to continue its policy detrimental to European farmers, the V4+ countries are ready to take joint action, even in the form of a joint farmers’ protest, they said.
The participants criticized the liberalization of trade with Ukraine, pointing out that the expiration of temporary protective measures in June 2025, could pose a serious threat to the agriculture of Central and Eastern European countries.
Cheap agricultural products from Ukraine are destabilizing the EU market,
the agricultural chamber said.
In its statement, NAK pointed out that in connection with the EU-Mercosur trade agreement, the parties highlighted that agricultural products from the region are expected to enter the common EU market that do not meet EU environmental and quality standards, while companies there benefit from lower energy and labor costs.
Representatives of the V4+ agricultural chambers are calling for the introduction of protective mechanisms in the interests of European farmers. The agricultural chambers of the V4+ countries are ready to take joint action regarding the threat posed by the EU-Mercosur trade agreement and the liberalization of trade with Ukraine, NAK stated.
Via MTI; Featured picture: Pexels