Several programs will be organized in Hungary and beyond the borders to mark the Day of National Cohesion, the anniversary of the Trianon peace treaty concluding WWI, on June 4.Continue reading
The renovation of many traditional Transylvanian Hungarian homes is being financed through the recovery plan for Europe, Krónika Online reports. European Union funds have made an impact in as much as sixteen villages in Romania, including Körösfő (Izvoru Crişului) and Uzon (Ozun).
The Mayor of Körösfő, located in Kolozs (Cluj) county, told the news portal that like every municipality, they have been following opportunities for EU funding. “In the first round we advertised this funding opportunity in the community, there were some applicants, but the actual decisions were made by a committee, according to the description of the appeal,” László Bódis explained.
Enikő Bordás, mayor of Uzon, stated that the village needed to submit a list of selected traditional homes, “most of them built in the 18th century, but there were some among them which date back to the 19th century even.” All the houses in question were designated as needing renovation.
There are some conditions to accessing funds for this purpose, the mayor explained. Among the most important is the question of property ownership, more specifically that the official owner of the home should still be alive. “Furthermore,” Bordás said, “the recipient needs to agree that in the following ten years they will not sell the house, and that they will maintain the property for the next five years in order to keep it in its renovated condition.”
László Bódis noted that according to the European Union Recovery Instrument, each property receives 60 thousand euros for renovation, while the expenses which cannot be accounted for must be covered by the municipality.
Featured photo illustration by Gábor Kiss/MTI